Mauro Chiarella

Doctor Arquitecto

Universidad Nacional del Litoral - CONICET

Architect UNL (Diploma of Honor for Best average 1998). Master and European PhD from Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Research stay at UNIBO). Post-doctoral studies Fondecyt 2011/12 (UBB/ Conicyt-Chile); and Post-doctoral studies ETSAB-UPC 2017/18 (BCN-Spain). Researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET; Argentina). Category I researcher (MECCYT). Full Professor at the School of Architecture, Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Argentina). Professor RILAB (MARq, DArq-UNL). Research Program Director CID-FADU-UNL. Founding Member Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics (SIGraDi). Visiting professor and collaborator with UBio-Bio (Cl), UdeC (Cl), UMayor (Temuco-Cl), UTFSM (Valparaíso-Cl), USS (Puerto Montt-Cl), UNISINOS (Br), UFRGS (Br), UFRJ (Br), UCR (Costa Rica), UNC (Co), ISMT-Portimao (Portugal), UNIBO (It), POLIMI (It), POLIBA (it), UAH, UIC, USevilla (Es), UCuenca, FA-UCC (Ec), UCC, UNC, UNT, UBA, UNLP (Ar). CLAP Platinum International Award 2014, Emporia 2015 Silver Award for Innovation in Architecture Ephemeral, INNOVAR 2017-Innovation Award at the University (MINCYT-Ar) and Golden A' Design Award in Generative, Algorithmic and Parametric Design 2020/21.

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