Sept. 11 - 13, 2019.
Site do evento
Comissão organizadora
- José Pedro Souza
- Gonçalo Castro Henriques
- João Pedro Xavier
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Dezembro 2019 vol. 7 num. 2
37 Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe and XXIII Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics, Joint Conference (N.2)
Preface- Open Access
PDF - p.i-iii
Preface- Open Access
PDF - p.i-iii
FOREWORD - eCAADe- Open Access
PDF - p.viii-ix
FOREWORD - SIGraDi- Open Access
PDF - p.x-xi
Background- Open Access
PDF - p.xii-xvi
Design - Artificial Intelligence
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.11-20
Article- Open Access
Deep Generative Learning for the Generation and Analysis of Architectural Plans with Small Datasets
Deep Generative Learning for the Generation and Analysis of Architectural Plans with Small Datasets
PDF - p.21-28
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.29-34
Article- Open Access
A Fuzzy-Based Approach for Evaluating Existing Spatial Layout Configurations
A Fuzzy-Based Approach for Evaluating Existing Spatial Layout Configurations
PDF - p.35-44
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.45-54
Article- Open Access
Refurb! A tool allowing for iterative refurbishment
Refurb! A tool allowing for iterative refurbishment
PDF - p.55-60
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.61-68
Article- Open Access
Interactive algorithm for generating accurate as-built plans by building owners
Interactive algorithm for generating accurate as-built plans by building owners
PDF - p.69-78
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.79-84
Article- Open Access
The synergy of non-manifold topology and reinforcement learning for fire egress
The synergy of non-manifold topology and reinforcement learning for fire egress
PDF - p.85-96
Simulation - Prediction and Evaluation
Article- Open Access
The Effect of Complex Wall Forms on the Room Acoustics An experimental case study
The Effect of Complex Wall Forms on the Room Acoustics An experimental case study
PDF - p.97-102
Article- Open Access
Parametric Analysis versus Intuition Assessment of the effectiveness of design expertise
Parametric Analysis versus Intuition Assessment of the effectiveness of design expertise
PDF - p.103-110
Article- Open Access
Spatiotemporal Occupancy for Building Analytics
Spatiotemporal Occupancy for Building Analytics
PDF - p.111-120
Article- Open Access
Multi-Criteria Agent Based Systems Generation of circulations through local decisions
Multi-Criteria Agent Based Systems Generation of circulations through local decisions
PDF - p.121-130
Article- Open Access
Building envelope adapting from and to the wind flow
Building envelope adapting from and to the wind flow
PDF - p.131-168
Article- Open Access
Integrating BIPV during Early Stages of Building Design
Integrating BIPV during Early Stages of Building Design
PDF - p.169-153
Article- Open Access
Surfaces Plot A data visualization system to support design space exploration
Surfaces Plot A data visualization system to support design space exploration
PDF - p.154-152
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.153-160
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.161-170
Article- Open Access
Building facade optimization for maximizing the incident solar radiation
Building facade optimization for maximizing the incident solar radiation
PDF - p.171-182
Matter - Digital Production and Robotics 1
Article- Open Access
Collaborative Crafting of Interlocking Structures in Stereotomic Practice
Collaborative Crafting of Interlocking Structures in Stereotomic Practice
PDF - p.183-190
Article- Open Access
Revisiting Folded Forms with Digital Fabrication
Revisiting Folded Forms with Digital Fabrication
PDF - p.191-200
Article- Open Access
Haptic Learning Towards Neural-Network-based adaptive Cobot Path-Planning for unstructured spaces
Haptic Learning Towards Neural-Network-based adaptive Cobot Path-Planning for unstructured spaces
PDF - p.201-210
Article- Open Access
Design Robotics Towards human-robot timber module assembly
Design Robotics Towards human-robot timber module assembly
PDF - p.211-216
Article- Open Access
Adaptable and Programmable Formwork for Doubly Curved Concrete Surfaces
Adaptable and Programmable Formwork for Doubly Curved Concrete Surfaces
PDF - p.217-226
Article- Open Access
Oriole Beta A Parametric Solution for Robotic Motion Design Using Animation
Oriole Beta A Parametric Solution for Robotic Motion Design Using Animation
PDF - p.227-234
Article- Open Access
InFoamed Matter Robotic production and assembly of foam-injected structures
InFoamed Matter Robotic production and assembly of foam-injected structures
PDF - p.235-240
Article- Open Access
RAF: Robot Aware Fabrication Hand-motion Augmented Robotic Fabrication Workflow and Case Study
RAF: Robot Aware Fabrication Hand-motion Augmented Robotic Fabrication Workflow and Case Study
PDF - p.241-250
Article- Open Access
Spatial Glass Bonds Computation and fabrication system of complex glass structure
Spatial Glass Bonds Computation and fabrication system of complex glass structure
PDF - p.251-260
Data - Building Information Modelling 2
Article- Open Access
Coordinating Atypical Architectural Precast Concrete Façades Two categories
Coordinating Atypical Architectural Precast Concrete Façades Two categories
PDF - p.261-268
Article- Open Access
A Decision Support Framework for FLP in the Context of Industrial Facilities by the Use of BIM
A Decision Support Framework for FLP in the Context of Industrial Facilities by the Use of BIM
PDF - p.269-278
Article- Open Access
Building Information Modelling Implementation in Progress
Building Information Modelling Implementation in Progress
PDF - p.279-286
Article- Open Access
Monitoring Environmental and Health Impact Data in BIM Models to Assure Healthy Living Environments
Monitoring Environmental and Health Impact Data in BIM Models to Assure Healthy Living Environments
PDF - p.287-294
Article- Open Access
Inclusive Architecture Digital technologies and qualification of the project process
Inclusive Architecture Digital technologies and qualification of the project process
PDF - p.295-304
Article- Open Access
BIM training in Brazil Preparing professionals for BIM adoption by public administration
BIM training in Brazil Preparing professionals for BIM adoption by public administration
PDF - p.305-314
Article- Open Access
PDF - p.315-324
Article- Open Access
Protection of the waterfront panoramas based on computational 3D-analysis
Protection of the waterfront panoramas based on computational 3D-analysis
PDF - p.325-332
- Open Access
PDF - p.333-340
Design - Shape grammars and Ruled Based Systems
- Open Access
PDF - p.341-348
- Open Access
Implementing the Santa Marta Urban Grammar a pedagogical tool for design computing in architecture
Implementing the Santa Marta Urban Grammar a pedagogical tool for design computing in architecture
PDF - p.349-358
- Open Access
Customers Perspective on Mass-customization of Houses
Customers Perspective on Mass-customization of Houses
PDF - p.359-368
- Open Access
PDF - p.369-376
- Open Access
PDF - p.377-384
- Open Access
Parametric Design Model of Urban Collective Housing Based on the Constructal Theory
Parametric Design Model of Urban Collective Housing Based on the Constructal Theory
PDF - p.385-392
- Open Access
PDF - p.393-402
- Open Access
PDF - p.403-414
Simulation - Virtual and Augmented Reality 1
- Open Access
HomeMobility HazardsDetected via Object Recognition in Augmented Reality
HomeMobility HazardsDetected via Object Recognition in Augmented Reality
PDF - p.415-422
- Open Access
Enhancing User-Engagement in the Design Process through Augmented Reality Applications
Enhancing User-Engagement in the Design Process through Augmented Reality Applications
PDF - p.423-431
- Open Access
PDF - p.432-440
- Open Access
PDF - p.441-448
- Open Access
Use of Virtual Reality in Participatory Design
Use of Virtual Reality in Participatory Design
PDF - p.449-454
- Open Access
Immersive Algorithmic Design Live Coding in Virtual Reality
Immersive Algorithmic Design Live Coding in Virtual Reality
PDF - p.455-464
- Open Access
I Want To Ride My Bicycle – I Want To Ride My Bike Using low cost interfaces for Virtual reality
I Want To Ride My Bicycle – I Want To Ride My Bike Using low cost interfaces for Virtual reality
PDF - p.465-472
- Open Access
PDF - p.473-484
Matter - Material Studies and Innovation
- Open Access
Predicting and steering performance in architectural materials
Predicting and steering performance in architectural materials
PDF - p.485-494
- Open Access
PDF - p.495-504
- Open Access
PDF - p.505-514
- Open Access
Designing a smart geometric configuration for dry masonry wall
Designing a smart geometric configuration for dry masonry wall
PDF - p.515-520
- Open Access
PDF - p.521-530
- Open Access
PDF - p.531-540
- Open Access
Microbiologically Activated Knitted Composites Reimagining a column for the 21st century
Microbiologically Activated Knitted Composites Reimagining a column for the 21st century
PDF - p.541-552
- Open Access
The Emerging of Spontaneous Materiality under Limited Digital Control
The Emerging of Spontaneous Materiality under Limited Digital Control
PDF - p.553-560
Challenges - Sustainability +Cultural Heritage
- Open Access
PDF - p.561-568
- Open Access
Starting hypothesis A proposed biological-artificial mutualism
Starting hypothesis A proposed biological-artificial mutualism
PDF - p.569-574
- Open Access
PDF - p.575-582
- Open Access
Recycled Sustainable 3D Printing Materials for Marine Environments
Recycled Sustainable 3D Printing Materials for Marine Environments
PDF - p.583-591
- Open Access
PDF - p.592-602
- Open Access
PDF - p.603-610
- Open Access
PDF - p.611-618
- Open Access
A Historical Perspective to Fabrication in Architecture for Preserving Heritage
A Historical Perspective to Fabrication in Architecture for Preserving Heritage
PDF - p.619-626
Design - Algorithmic and Parametric 2
- Open Access
cloudMAGNET A prototype for climatically active light-weight skins
cloudMAGNET A prototype for climatically active light-weight skins
PDF - p.627-636
- Open Access
Megastructures: Past, Present, and Future
Megastructures: Past, Present, and Future
PDF - p.637-644
- Open Access
PDF - p.645-654
- Open Access
PDF - p.655-664
- Open Access
PDF - p.665-674
- Open Access
Form and Data from linear Calculus to cybernetic Computation and Interaction
Form and Data from linear Calculus to cybernetic Computation and Interaction
PDF - p.675-684
Interaction - Responsive Environments
- Open Access
Hybrid Environmental-Media Facade Full-Scale Prototype Panel Fabrication
Hybrid Environmental-Media Facade Full-Scale Prototype Panel Fabrication
PDF - p.685-694
- Open Access
User-centered Responsive Sunlight Reorientation System based on Multiagent Decision-making, UDaMaS
User-centered Responsive Sunlight Reorientation System based on Multiagent Decision-making, UDaMaS
PDF - p.695-704
- Open Access
PDF - p.705-714
- Open Access
Responsive complex surfaces manufacturing using origami
Responsive complex surfaces manufacturing using origami
PDF - p.715-724
- Open Access
Dynamic Façade Design Studio From sketches to microcontrollers
Dynamic Façade Design Studio From sketches to microcontrollers
PDF - p.725-730
- Open Access
PDF - p.731-738
- Open Access
Body Architectures Real time data visualization and responsive immersive environments
Body Architectures Real time data visualization and responsive immersive environments
PDF - p.739-748
Matter - Fabrication and Construction 2
- Open Access
PDF - p.749-758
- Open Access
PDF - p.759-768
- Open Access
PDF - p.769-778
- Open Access
Design Guidelines for Zero Waste Manufacturing of Freeform EPS Facades
Design Guidelines for Zero Waste Manufacturing of Freeform EPS Facades
PDF - p.779-788
- Open Access
A Holistic Approach to Feature-based Structural Mapping in Cross Laminated Timber Buildings
A Holistic Approach to Feature-based Structural Mapping in Cross Laminated Timber Buildings
PDF - p.789-796
- Open Access
Evolving stages of digital fabrication in Latin America Outlines of a research and extension project
Evolving stages of digital fabrication in Latin America Outlines of a research and extension project
PDF - p.797-808
Challenges - Big Data and Analytics
- Open Access
Semantic Enrichment of Indoor Point Clouds An Overview of Progress towards Digital Twinning
Semantic Enrichment of Indoor Point Clouds An Overview of Progress towards Digital Twinning
PDF - p.809-818
- Open Access
Understanding Design Empowerment through ICT-based Platforms in European Cities
Understanding Design Empowerment through ICT-based Platforms in European Cities
PDF - p.819-828
- Open Access
Amor SP Understanding socio-spatial emotions of urban poor in São Paulo
Amor SP Understanding socio-spatial emotions of urban poor in São Paulo
PDF - p.829-836
- Open Access
Exploring Work Environment Usage Behaviour through Context-Aware Mobile Methods
Exploring Work Environment Usage Behaviour through Context-Aware Mobile Methods
PDF - p.837-846
- Open Access
PDF - p.847-854
- Open Access
PDF - p.855-862
This is the electronic compilationof three physical volumes, of the Proceedings of the 37th eCAADe andthe 23th SIGraDi Conferences, held as a Joint Event from 11-13September 2019 at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto, in Portugal.The three volumes together contain the 221 accepted papers that are also availabledigitally at CumInCAD (Cumulative Index of Computer AidedArchitectural Design) – http://papers.cumincad.org
“We stand on the brick of atechnological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work,and relate to one another. In its scale, scope and complexity, thetransformation will be unlikely anything humankind has experienced before.”
Klaus Schwab, World EconomicForum, 2015
Looking for confronting thediscipline of Architecture with the most critical topics nowadays, the eCAADeSIGraDi Conference 2019 was dedicated to the theme of:
Architecture in the Age of the 4thIndustrial Revolution
Goingback in history, the 1st Industrial Revolution occurred between the18th and 19th centuries, when water and steam power led to the mechanizationperiod. By then, social changes radically transformed cities and, together withmanufactured materials like steel and glass, promoted the emergence of newbuilding design typologies like the railway station. In the end of the 19thcentury, the advent of electrical power triggered mass production systems. This2nd Revolution affected the building construction industry in manyways, inspiring the birth to the modern movement. For some, standardizationemerged as an enemy of arts and crafts, while, for others, it was anopportunity to embrace new design agendas, where construction economy andquality could be controlled in novel ways. More recently, electronics andinformation technology fostered the 3rd Revolution with the productionautomation. In architecture, the progressive use of digital design, analysisand fabrication processes started to replace the traditional means ofanalogical representation. This opened the door for the exploration of a higherdegree of design freedom, complexity and customization. The rise of theInternet also changed the way architects communicated and promoted theemergence of global architectural practices in the planet.
Today, in the beginning of the 21thcentury, we are in a moment of profound and accelerated changes in the way weperceive and interact with(in) the world, which many authors, like KlausSchwab, do not hesitate to call as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Extraordinaryadvancements in areas like mobile communication, artificial intelligence, bigdata, cloud computing, blockchain, nanotechnology, biotechnology, facialrecognition, robotics or additive manufacturing are fusing the physical,biological and digital systems of production. Such technological context hastriggered a series of disruptive concepts and innovations, like thesmart-phone, social networks, online gaming, internet of things, smartmaterials, interactive environments, personal fabrication, 3D printing, virtualand augmented realities, drones, self-driving cars or the smart cities, which,all together, are drawing a radically new world.
Like in the past, if the world changes, the discipline of architecturecannot remain indifferent. It must understand and adapt to the newcircumstances and why not, orient some of the undergoing transformations. Sincedigital technologies are at the core of the emerging paradigm, the eCAADeSIGraDi Conference 2019 became a privileged space to promote a comprehensivediscussion about the place and role of Architecture in the Age of the 4thIndustrial Revolution. Therefore, we invited researchers, professors,professionals and students to address questions like:
· What is the impact of newtechnologies in architectural education and practice?
· What are the emerging opportunitiesand threats to our discipline caused by the rise of new intelligent processesand material systems?
· How are architects balancing betweenresistance and adoption regarding the convergence of cyber, physical andbiological systems?
· How can digital technologiescontribute for a better and more responsible built environment?
The topics proposed for the Conference included, but were not limited to:
AI for design and builtenvironment Digitaltechnologies for cultural heritage
Additive manufacturing andconstruction Digitalresearch in architectural practice
Art and Design Generativedesign
Big data and analytics inarchitecture Gamedesign technology
Building Information Modelling Historyand Future of CAAD
City Information Modelling andGIS Human-computerinteraction
CAAD Education and teaching Internetof things in architecture
Collaborative andparticipative design Interactiveand responsive environments
Cyber-physical systems inarchitecture Materialstudies and innovation
Design concepts and strategies Parametricand algorithmic design
Design thinking and methods Simulation,prediction and evaluation
Digital design for sustainablebuildings SmartCities
Digital fabrication androbotics Virtualand Augmented Reality
The first volume of the proceedingscontains 89 papers grouped under 12 topics, the second volume contains 95papers grouped under 12 topics, and finally the third volume contains 37 papersgrouped under 4 topics. In addition to the accepted papers, we acknowledge our guestspeakers in the first volume and the workshops organized the days before theConference in the third Volume.
José Pedro Sousa,Gonçalo Castro Henriques and João Pedro Xavier
eCAADe SIGraDi 2019 Conference Chairs
Conference Chairs |
| |
Jose Pedro Sousa | Faculdade Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto | |
Gonçalo Castro Henriques | Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro | |
João Pedro Xavier | Faculdade Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto | |
| |
Local Team |
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Pedro Varela |
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Pedro Martins |
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Alexandra Castro |
| |
Débora Andrade |
| |
Gabriel Correia |
| |
Gonçalo Oliveira |
| |
Helena Bernardo |
| |
João Carvalho |
| |
Mateus Pimenta |
| |
Rafael Santos |
| |
Diogo Ferreira |
| |
Carolina Medeiros |
| |
Tânia Santos |
| |
Fabio Saraiva |
| |
| |
Scientifc Comittee |
| |
Expert Group / Champion reviewers | Organization | |
Adriana Granero | Universidad de Buenos Aires | |
Alexandra Paio | Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, ISCTE-IUL | |
Andrew Wit | Temple University | |
Anetta Kepczynska-Walczak | Lodz University of Technology | |
Armando Trento | Sapienza, Università di Roma |
Bruno Figueiredo | University of Minho | |
Burak Pak | University of Leuven | |
Daniel Cardoso | Universidade Federal do Ceará | |
David Sperling | University of São Paulo | |
Fernando García Amen | School of Architecture, Design and Urbanism. Universidad de la República | |
Frederico Braida | Federal University of Juiz de Fora | |
Gabriel Wurzer | TU Wien | |
Gabriela Celani | University Campinas, UNICAMP | |
Henri achten | Czech Technical University in Prague | |
Jeremy Ham | RMIT University | |
Joachim Kieferle | Hochschule RheinMain | |
José Beirao | Lisbon University | |
Marcelo Bernal | Perkins+Will | |
Miguel Roco Ibaceta | Concepción University | |
Odysseas Kontovourkis | University of Cyprus | |
Pablo Herrera | Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas | |
Paula Gomez | Georgia Institute of Technology | |
Paulo Eduardo Fonseca de Campos | Universidade S. Paulo, FAU-USP | |
Phil Ayres | Centre for Information Technology and Architecture, CITA/KADK | |
Regiane Pupo | Santa Catarina Federal University, UFSC | |
Rodrigo Martin-Iglesias | Universidad de Buenos Aires | |
Rudi Stouffs | National University of Singapore | |
Simoni Viziioli | Instituto Arquitetura e Urbanismo Universidade São Paulo (IAU.USP) | |
Tadeja Zupančič | University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture | |
Vassilis Bourdakis | University of Thessaly | |
| |
Reviewers | Organization | |
Adam Marcus | California College of the Arts | |
Adriane Borda | Universidade Federal de Pelotas | |
Affonso Orciuoli | Universitat Internacional de Catalunya | |
Alberto de Salvatierra | University of Nevada Las Vegas, School of Architecture | |
Alberto T. Estevez | ESARQ - UIC Barcelona | |
Aleksander Asanowicz | Bialystok University of Technology | |
Alvaro Bonfiglio | New York University | |
Ana Baltazar | LAGEAR, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais | |
Ana Tagliari | UNICAMP - State University of Campinas | |
Anand Bhatt | Nirma University | |
Andre Araujo | The Federal University of Uberlandia | |
Andrea Mussi | IMED, Brazil | |
Andrés Martín-Pastor | University of seville | |
andres passaro | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro | |
Andressa Martinez | Universidade Federal de Viçosa | |
Andrew Li | Kyoto Institute of Technology | |
Angelos Chronis | Austrian Institute of Technology | |
Anja Jutraz | University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture | |
Anja Pratschke | Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Universidade de São Paulo | |
AnnaLisa Meyboom | School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture | |
Antonio Fioravanti | Sapienza University of Rome | |
António Leitão | Instituto Superior Técnico/INESC-ID | |
Arivaldo Amorim | Federal University of Bahia | |
Arzu Gonenc Sorguc | Middle East Technical University | |
Asterios Agkathidis | University of Liverpool | |
Aulikki Herneoja | Oulu School of Architecture, University of Oulu | |
Axel Kilian | Massachusetts Institute of Technology / MIT | |
Bartosz Walczak | Lodz University of Technology/ TICCIH | |
Benjamin Spaeth | Cardiff University | |
Birgul Colakoglu | Istanbul Technical University | |
Bob Martens | Vienna University of Technology | |
Branko Kolarevic | University of Calgary | |
Carla Leitao | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | |
Carlos Eduardo Vaz | Federal University of Santa Catarina | |
Carlos L. Marcos | Universidad de Alicante | |
Charles Vincent | Mackenzie Presbyterian University | |
Chengzhi Peng | The University of Sheffield | |
Claudio Araneda | Universidad del Bío-Bío / UBB | |
Cristina Verissimo | Dalhousie University | |
Dagmar Reinhardt | Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning | |
Daniel Cardoso-Llach | Carnegie Mellon University | |
Daniel Siret | School of Architecture of Nantes, AAU Laboratory | |
Daniela Frogheri | Universidad de Monterrey | |
Danilo Di Mascio | University of Huddersfield | |
Danny Lobos | UTEM - Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana | |
David Newton | University of Nebraska-Lincoln | |
David Torreblanca | Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana | |
David Viana | Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), ISTAR-IUL | |
Davide Lombardi | Xi'an Jiaotong - Liverpool University | |
Davide Simeone | Salini Impregilo | |
Eduardo Castro e Costa | Penn State University | |
Eduardo Hamuy Pinto | Universidad de Chile / FACSO | |
Eduardo Sampaio Nardelli | Mackenzie Presbyterian University | |
Eloisa Dezen-Kempter | University Campinas / UNICAMP | |
Erik Kjems | Aalborg University | |
Fabian Dembski | High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart | |
Felipe Tavares | Faculdade de Arquitetura, Universidade Federal da Bahia | |
Fernando Lima | Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora | |
Fernando Meneses-Carlos | Escuela Radical, Mexico | |
Figen Gul | Istanbul Technical University | |
Filipe Coutinho Quaresma | LEAU-ULHT/CIAUD-FAUL | |
Fırat Ozgenel | Middle East Technical University | |
Francesco De Luca | Tallinn University of Technology | |
Frank Petzold | Technical University of Munich | |
Gilles Halin | École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Nancy, UMR MAP | |
Giuseppe Fallacara | Polytechnic University of Bari | |
Giuseppe Pellitteri | Università di Palermo | |
Gonçalo Furtado c l | Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto | |
Gregory Luhan | University of Kentucky | |
Gulen Cagdas | Istanbul Technical University | |
Günter Barczik | Erfurt School of Architecture | |
Hadas Sopher | Technion, Israel Institute of Technology | |
Halil Erhan | Simon Fraser University | |
Harald Gatermann | Hochschule Bochum University of Applied Sciences | |
Helga Tauscher | National University of Singapore | |
Henriette Bier | Technical University Delft | |
Hugo Mulder | IT University of Copenhagen, Arup | |
Hyoung-June Park | School of Architecture, Univesrity of Hawaii at Manoa | |
Hyunsoo Lee | Yonsei University | |
Iestyn Jowers | The Open University | |
Ioanna Symeonidou | Department of Architecture, University of Thessaly | |
Johannes Braumann | UfG Linz / Robots in Architecture | |
John Gero | University of North Carolina Charlotte | |
Jos van Leeuwen | The Hague University of Applied Sciences | |
Jose Duarte | Penn State University | |
Jose Kos | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina | |
Joshua Vermillion | University of Nevada Las Vegas, School of Architecture | |
Juarez Moara Santos Franco | Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro | |
Kate Dunn | University of New South Wales | |
Katerina Nováková | Faculty of Architecture, Czech Technical University in Prague | |
Katherine Liapi | University of Patras | |
Konstantinos-Alketas Oungrinis | Technical University of Crete | |
Laurent LESCOP | École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Nantes | |
Leonardo Parra-Agudelo | Universidad de los Andes | |
Leticia Teixeira Mendes | Federal University of Pernambuco | |
Liss C Werner | Technical University Berlin | |
Luís Romão | Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon | |
Luiz Amorim | Universidade Federal de Pernambuco | |
Mara Capone | UNINA University of Naples Federico II - DIARC Depertment of Architecture | |
Marcelo Tramontano | Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Universidade de São Paulo | |
Márcio Fabricio | Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Universidade de São Paulo | |
Maria da Piedade Ferreira | Fachbereich Architektur TU Kaiserslautern | |
Maria Elena Tosello | Universidad Nacional del Litoral | |
MARIA VOGIATZAKI | Anglia Ruskin University | |
Mário Júlio Teixeira Krüger | Universidade de Coimbra | |
Marwan Halabi | Beirut Arab University | |
Matevz Juvancic | University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture | |
Mathew Schwartz | New Jersey Institute of Technology | |
Matthias Kulcke | Hamburg University of Technology/HafenCity University Hamburg | |
Mauro Costa Couceiro | CES - Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra | |
Maycon Sedrez | Institute for Sustainable Urbanism | |
Michael Mullins | Aalborg University | |
Michele Calvano | Politecnico di Torino | |
Mıne Ozkar | Istanbul Technical University | |
Nancy Diniz | Central Saint Martins, University Arts London | |
Nicolai Steinø | Aalborg University | |
Nimish Biloria | University of Technology Sydney | |
Nuno Montenegro | Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon and CIAUD | |
Oliver Tessmann | TU Darmstadt, DDU | |
Orkan Zeynel Güzelci | İstanbul Kültür University | |
Panagiotis Parthenios | Technical University of Crete | |
Patricia Muñoz | University of Buenos Aires | |
Pedro Soza | Universidad de Chile | |
Pedro Veloso | Carnegie Mellon University | |
Peter Buš | Kent School of Architecture, University of Kent | |
Phillip Anzalone | NYC College of Technology | |
Pia Fricker | Aalto University | |
Rabee M. Reffat | Assiut University | |
Reinhard Koenig | Bauhaus-Universität Weimar | |
Rejane Spitz | Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro | |
Renate Weissenböck | Graz University of Technology | |
Ricardo Assis Rosa | Oxford Brookes University | |
Rita Aguiar | Instituto Superior Técnico/INESC-ID | |
Robert Flanagan | University of Colorado Denver | |
Robert Klinc | University of Ljubljana | |
Roberto Naboni | University of Southern Denmark | |
Rodrigo Garcia-Alvarado | Universidad del Bío-Bío / UBB | |
Rodrigo Langarica | Universidad Anáhuac Querétaro | |
Rodrigo Paraizo | Rio Janeiro Federal University, PROURB/FAU/UFRJ | |
Rudi Stouffs | National University of Singapore | |
Salvator-John Liotta | Faculté d'Architecture La Cambre Horta-Université Libre de Bruxelles | |
Sara Eloy | Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), ISTAR-IUL | |
Sema Alaçam | Istanbul Technical University | |
Sevil Yazici | Ozyegin University | |
Sherif Abdelmohsen | American University in Cairo | |
Silvia Gargaro | University of Cassino and South Latium | |
Silvia Hernández | Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba | |
Simone Garagnani | University of Bologna | |
Sina Mostafavi | TU Delft / Dessau Institute of Architecture | |
Spela Verovsek | University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture | |
Stefan Wrona | Faculty of Architecture Warsaw University of Technology | |
Sule Tasli Pektas | Baskent University | |
Sven Schneider | Bauhaus-Universität Weimar | |
Teng-Wen Chang | National Yunlin University of Science and Technology | |
Theodoros Dounas | Robert Gordon University | |
Thorsten Lomker | Zayed University | |
Tim ireland | Kent School of Architecture, University of Kent | |
Timo Carl | University of Kassel | |
Tom Maver | Glasgow School of Art | |
Tomo Cerovsek | University of Ljubljana | |
Tomohiro Fukuda | Osaka University | |
Toni Kotnik | Aalto University | |
Tuba Kocaturk | Deakin University | |
Ulrich Pont | TU Wien, Department of Building Physics and Building Ecology | |
Urs Hirschberg | TU Graz, Institute of Architecture and Media | |
Vasco Rato | Instituto Universitário de Lisboa / ISCTE-IUL | |
Vera Parlac | University of Calgary | |
Volker Koch | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | |
Volker Mueller | Bentley Systems | |
Wilson Florio | Mackenzie University | |
Wolfgang Dokonal | Graz University of Technology | |
Wolfgang Lorenz | TU Wien, Institute of Architectural Sciences | |
Yazar Tugrul | İstanbul Bilgi University | |
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Sessions Chairs | Session | |
Alexandra Paio | Fabrication and Construction 2 | |
Anetta Kępczyńska-Walczak | Data - Building Information Modelling 2 | |
Antonio Leitão | Design - Algorithmic and Parametric 1 | |
Armando Trento | Data - Cultural Heritage | |
Aulikki Herneoja | Challenges - Art and Digital Poesies | |
Birgul Colakoglu | Challenges - History and future CAAD | |
Burak Pak | Data - Building Information Modelling 1 | |
David Sperling | Challenges - Education and research | |
Fernando Garcia Amen | Design - Artificial Intelligence | |
Fernando Lima | Data - Smart Cities | |
Gabriel Wurzer | Challenges - Big Data and Analytics | |
Henri Achten | Interaction - Responsive Environments | |
José Duarte | Design - Shape Grammars and Ruled Based Systems | |
Liss C. Werner | Matter - Material Studies and Innovation | |
Marcelo Bernal | Design - Algorithmic and Parametric 2 | |
Frederico Braida | Matter - Digital Production and Robotics 1 | |
Paula Gomez | Interaction - Human-Computer | |
Renate Weissenboeck | Matter - Fabrication and Construction 1 | |
Rodrigo Cury Paraizo | Simulation- Virtual and Augmented Reality 1 | |
Rodrigo Martin | Challenges - Sustainability +Cultural Heritage | |
Rudi Stouffs | Simulation - Prediction and Evaluation | |
Sara Eloy | Matter - Additive Manufacturing | |
Tadeja Zupancic | Design - Collaboration and Participation | |
Tomohiro Fukuda | Design - Generative Systems | |
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Keynote Speakers |
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Gabriela Celani | University of Campinas, Brazil | |
Mario Carpo | Bartlett, University College London | |
João Albuquerque | BIG, Bjarke Ingels Group, Barcelona | |
Marta Campos | Marta Campos – Architecture | |
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Round-Table |
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José Duarte (Coodinator) | Penn State Stuckeman School of Architecture | |
Clara Martins | Zaha Hadid Architects, London | |
David Sperling | University of S. Paulo, Brazil | |
Liss Werner | Technical University Berlin, Germany | |
Nariddh Khean | University New South Wales, Autralia | |
Sherif Abdelmohsen | American University in Cairo, Egypt | |
Tomohiro Fukuda | Osaka University, Japan | |
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PhD Workshop organizers |
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José Pedro Sousa |
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Gonçalo Castro Henriques |
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Gabriela Celani |
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Wolfgang Dokonal |
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PhD Workshop Reviewers |
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Antonio Fioravanti |
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Rodrigo Martin Iglesias |
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Frederico Braida | ||
Bruno Figueiredo |
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Gonçalo Furtado |
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Phd Presenters |
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David Pereira-MartÌnez |
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Fabiano Mikalauskas S. Nogueira | ||
Ioannis Paraskevopoulos |
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Ioannis Mirtsopoulos |
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Marcela Noronha |
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Nuno António Pereira da Silva | ||
Phillipe Costa |
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Rodrigo Scheeren |
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Stefanie Rückrich |
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Zeynep Birgonul |
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Workshop Organizers / tutors | ||
Alessandra Fabbri |
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António Monteiro |
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Bree Trevena |
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Daniel Alexander Kovacs |
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Daniel Bolojan |
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Emmanouil Vermisso |
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Filipa Crespo Osório |
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M. Hank Haeusler |
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Maria João de Oliveira |
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Mauro Costa Couceiro |
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Nariddh Khean |
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Nicolas Senemaud |
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Pedro Santiago |
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Rohan Keswani |
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Rudi Stouffs |
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Rui Lobo |
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Varvara Toulkeridou |
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Vina Rahimian |
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Wassim Jabi |
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OpenConf (Winchester) |
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ProceeDings (Wurzer, Lorenz, Coraglia) | ||
CuminCAD (Martens, Cerovsek) | ||
Voting System (Winchester) | ||
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Cover Design: Dobra |
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Photos: Diogo Ferreira |
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Video: Sara Nunes, Juarez Braga |
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Sponsors |
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Diamond sponsors Autodesk, Graphisoft and Dassault Systèmes | ||
Gold Sponsor Bentley Systems | ||
Supporters Santander Universidades, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Amorim Isolamentos, Finsa, OEI | ||
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Institutional Partners |
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The PORTO City Hall |
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Teatro Municipal do Porto, Campo Alegre |