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Tentáculos: Recriando criaturas híbridas, analógico-digitais

Tentacles: Recreating hybrid analog-digital creatures

Henriques, Gonçalo Castro ; Passaro, Andrés ; Nóbrega, Guto ;

Artigo Completo:

This paper describes the development of a structure named Tentacles, belonging to the “Tele-biosphere” a wider project that explores the communication between hybrid systems that are both natural and artificial. Tentacles uncharted geometry is alive in many senses introducing structural difficulties inexistent in traditional beam and column framework. The initial form required structural expertise that the authors formally don’t possess, together with cost and manufacture constrains. To overcome these difficulties, a strategy based on the analogy with vertebrate species was developed, using discs, vertebrae, spine, tendons and tentacles. Authors argue that to solve this problem it was necessary to regain material intuition, combining computation with analogic thinking.

Artigo Completo:

This paper describes the development of a structure named Tentacles, belonging to the “Tele-biosphere” a wider project that explores the communication between hybrid systems that are both natural and artificial. Tentacles uncharted geometry is alive in many senses introducing structural difficulties inexistent in traditional beam and column framework. The initial form required structural expertise that the authors formally don’t possess, together with cost and manufacture constrains. To overcome these difficulties, a strategy based on the analogy with vertebrate species was developed, using discs, vertebrae, spine, tendons and tentacles. Authors argue that to solve this problem it was necessary to regain material intuition, combining computation with analogic thinking.

Palavras-chave: Analogia, Analógico-digital, Design Generativo Fabricação digital, CAD-CAM,

Palavras-chave: Analogia, Analógico-digital, Design Generativo Fabricação digital, CAD-CAM,

DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2017-082

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Como citar:

Henriques, Gonçalo Castro; Passaro, Andrés; Nóbrega, Guto; "Tentáculos: Recriando criaturas híbridas, analógico-digitais", p. 530-537 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2017.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2017-082

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