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Tecnologias digitais para tornar visíveis informações sócio-espaciais

Digital technologies to make socio-spatial information visible

Vilhena, Maria Laura ; Baltazar, Ana Paula ; Pitzer, Ana Paula ; Duran, Camila Oddi ; Reis, Larissa ; Rocha, Maria Cecília ; Morais, Marllon ;

Artigo Completo:

This paper discusses the association of SPSS, combined to Google Forms, and GEPHI in the context of a socio-spatial data collection in Glaura (a district of Ouro Preto/MG – Brazil), for the development of a technical advisory method using interfaces. It also describes the steps of using these softwares, their potentials, the difficulties found throughout the process, and the qualitative analysis based on the graphic and tabular results of the data. The main goal is to make visible complex information about the socio-spatial relations within the community to further use it to inform the conception of interfaces.

Artigo Completo:

This paper discusses the association of SPSS, combined to Google Forms, and GEPHI in the context of a socio-spatial data collection in Glaura (a district of Ouro Preto/MG – Brazil), for the development of a technical advisory method using interfaces. It also describes the steps of using these softwares, their potentials, the difficulties found throughout the process, and the qualitative analysis based on the graphic and tabular results of the data. The main goal is to make visible complex information about the socio-spatial relations within the community to further use it to inform the conception of interfaces.

Palavras-chave: Assessoria técnica, Interfaces, Tecnologias digitais, Análise qualitativa,

Palavras-chave: Assessoria técnica, Interfaces, Tecnologias digitais, Análise qualitativa,

DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2017-074

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Como citar:

Vilhena, Maria Laura; Baltazar, Ana Paula; Pitzer, Ana Paula; Duran, Camila Oddi; Reis, Larissa; Rocha, Maria Cecília; Morais, Marllon; "Tecnologias digitais para tornar visíveis informações sócio-espaciais", p. 472-477 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2017.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2017-074

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