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Proceso Generativo de Texturas Paramétricas Bioinspiradas: Modelo Metodológico de experimentación

Generative Process of Bioinspired Parametric Textures: Methodological Model of Experimentation

Mazo, Ever Patiño ; Díaz, David Andrés Torreblanca ; Valencia-Escobar, Andrés ; Gil, Alejandro Zuleta ;

Artigo Completo:

This article presents the development of a bioinspired generative model based on principles of biological growth, which aim is to build of an on line open source textures repertoire that can be used in design and / or architecture projects. The project is developed in three phases: (i) characterization and abstraction of biological referents, (ii) definition of the transformations and (iii) fabrication of the repertory. This text is focused on the second phase, in addition to the assignation of the experiments using the Taguchi method. Finally, all the phases were validated by means of a case study.

Artigo Completo:

This article presents the development of a bioinspired generative model based on principles of biological growth, which aim is to build of an on line open source textures repertoire that can be used in design and / or architecture projects. The project is developed in three phases: (i) characterization and abstraction of biological referents, (ii) definition of the transformations and (iii) fabrication of the repertory. This text is focused on the second phase, in addition to the assignation of the experiments using the Taguchi method. Finally, all the phases were validated by means of a case study.

Palavras-chave: Sistemas generativos, Bioinspiración, Fabricación digital, Taguchi, Repertorio de texturas,

Palavras-chave: Sistemas generativos, Bioinspiración, Fabricación digital, Taguchi, Repertorio de texturas,

DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2017-080

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Como citar:

Mazo, Ever Patiño; Díaz, David Andrés Torreblanca; Valencia-Escobar, Andrés; Gil, Alejandro Zuleta; "Proceso Generativo de Texturas Paramétricas Bioinspiradas: Modelo Metodológico de experimentación", p. 515-522 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2017.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2017-080

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