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Modelado paramétrico y fabricación digital para la concepción de edifícios de museo ambientalmente adecuados para el clima subtropical húmedo de Brasil

Parametric modeling and digital manufacturing for the conception of museum buildings environmentally suitable for the subtropical wetland climate of Brazil

Cenci, Laline ; Alvarado, Rodreigo Garcia ;

Artigo Completo:

Museums exhibit a growing development in the world, promoting buildings with significant expressions. Nevertheless, the relation of the building and its environmental performance is fundamental in the conception of new buildings. The problem originates in the early stages of design, where it is not possible to evaluate it environmentally. The methodology uses three art museum buildings in the humid subtropical climate of Brazil, whose geometries are completely different. After analyzing and relating its performance to its environmental and geometric characteristics a parametric modeling tool is proposed and the digital manufacture as a product of the process has been carried out.

Artigo Completo:

Museums exhibit a growing development in the world, promoting buildings with significant expressions. Nevertheless, the relation of the building and its environmental performance is fundamental in the conception of new buildings. The problem originates in the early stages of design, where it is not possible to evaluate it environmentally. The methodology uses three art museum buildings in the humid subtropical climate of Brazil, whose geometries are completely different. After analyzing and relating its performance to its environmental and geometric characteristics a parametric modeling tool is proposed and the digital manufacture as a product of the process has been carried out.

Palavras-chave: Parametric Modeling, Digital Manufacturing, Art museums, Environmental Compatibility, Subtropical Humid Climate of Brazil,

Palavras-chave: Parametric Modeling, Digital Manufacturing, Art museums, Environmental Compatibility, Subtropical Humid Climate of Brazil,

DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2017-036

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Como citar:

Cenci, Laline; Alvarado, Rodreigo Garcia; "Modelado paramétrico y fabricación digital para la concepción de edifícios de museo ambientalmente adecuados para el clima subtropical húmedo de Brasil", p. 226-230 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2017.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2017-036

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