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Mediaciones Distópicas. Artefactos, interfaces y representaciones para uma cultura postdisciplinaria de diseño y arte

Dystopic Mediation. Artifacts, interfaces and representations for a postdisciplinary culture of design and art

Tosello, María Elena ; Colombo, María Georgina Bredanini ; Zorzón, Cecilia Verónica ; Jereb, Marcelo ;

Artigo Completo:

Do art and design currently have the capacity to motivate reflection on conflicts, inadequacies or contradictions that characterize our society? Simulation, inmateriality, interactivity, virtuality, simultaneity, multidimensionality, interdisciplinarity, are some of the characteristics in which a post-disciplinary culture in art is expressed. This article presents the bases, processes and results of a transversal experience between teaching, research and social extension, which purpose was to explore the capacity of art to investigate and communicate the limitations and potentialities presented by the complex current reality, through the organization of strategies of interdisciplinary collaboration between art, design, architecture and technology.

Artigo Completo:

Do art and design currently have the capacity to motivate reflection on conflicts, inadequacies or contradictions that characterize our society? Simulation, inmateriality, interactivity, virtuality, simultaneity, multidimensionality, interdisciplinarity, are some of the characteristics in which a post-disciplinary culture in art is expressed. This article presents the bases, processes and results of a transversal experience between teaching, research and social extension, which purpose was to explore the capacity of art to investigate and communicate the limitations and potentialities presented by the complex current reality, through the organization of strategies of interdisciplinary collaboration between art, design, architecture and technology.

Palavras-chave: Diseño, Arte, Videojuego, Realidad virtual, Arduino,

Palavras-chave: Diseño, Arte, Videojuego, Realidad virtual, Arduino,

DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2017-096

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Como citar:

Tosello, María Elena; Colombo, María Georgina Bredanini; Zorzón, Cecilia Verónica; Jereb, Marcelo; "Mediaciones Distópicas. Artefactos, interfaces y representaciones para uma cultura postdisciplinaria de diseño y arte", p. 624-631 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2017.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2017-096

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