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Mathematizing Niemeyer’s architecture through parametric modeling: evaluating the parables of the Pampulha Church


de Mello Monteiro, Verner Max Liger ; Alves Bezerra, José Rauryson ; Paulino do Nascimento, Paulo Roberto ; Ramalho dos Santos Júnior, Erisvaldo ; , ;


This paper describes the mathematization process behind the parables of the Pampulha Church, one of the most iconic buildings designed by Oscar Niemeyer, in order to check how applicable was the use of analytic geometry in his architecture. To reach this, we factored the second degree equations presented on the building based on the parable height and width, then using parametric modeling to translate the formula into shape. As a result, the study intended to demonstrate how equations can be integrated into architecture, identifying how conic curves are being applied to the architectural geometry.



Palavras-chave: Parametric modeling; Pampulha church; Oscar Niemeyer; Analytic geometry,

Palavras-chave: -,

DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2018-1571

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Como citar:

de Mello Monteiro, Verner Max Liger; Alves Bezerra, José Rauryson; Paulino do Nascimento, Paulo Roberto; Ramalho dos Santos Júnior, Erisvaldo; , ; "Mathematizing Niemeyer’s architecture through parametric modeling: evaluating the parables of the Pampulha Church", p. 294-299 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2018.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2018-1571

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