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La enseñanza de BIM en Chile, el desafío de un cambio de enfoque centrado en la metodología por sobre la tecnología

BIM education in Chile, the challenge of a shift of focus centered on methodology over technology

Lazo, Carolina Briones ; Ogueta, Carolina Soto ;

Artigo Completo:

This article presents the level of adoption of BIM in Chile referring to recent studies carried out in the country, demonstrating that there has not been a significant increase in the use of this methodology by the industry. According to the analysis of international cases on educational frameworks, the authors argue that the development of a national education strategy for BIM with a focus on defining BIM capabilities required to assume the national mandate 2020, along with promoting collaborative work environments and active learning methodologies would be very beneficial.

Artigo Completo:

This article presents the level of adoption of BIM in Chile referring to recent studies carried out in the country, demonstrating that there has not been a significant increase in the use of this methodology by the industry. According to the analysis of international cases on educational frameworks, the authors argue that the development of a national education strategy for BIM with a focus on defining BIM capabilities required to assume the national mandate 2020, along with promoting collaborative work environments and active learning methodologies would be very beneficial.

Palavras-chave: Building Information Modelling, Metodología BIM, Adopción de BIM, Estrategia de enseñanza de BIM,

Palavras-chave: Building Information Modelling, Metodología BIM, Adopción de BIM, Estrategia de enseñanza de BIM,

DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2017-068

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Como citar:

Lazo, Carolina Briones; Ogueta, Carolina Soto; "La enseñanza de BIM en Chile, el desafío de un cambio de enfoque centrado en la metodología por sobre la tecnología", p. 431-438 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2017.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2017-068

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