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High-Low as expression of the Brazilian digital fabrication


Locatelli, Arq. Daniel ; de Paula, Arq. Adalberto ; Omena, Me. Thiago Henrique ; Lara, Prof Dr. Arthur ;


This paper is the result of an investigation about the influence of digital processes in Design and its importance in innovation within ephemeral architecture through the concept of High-Low. The ephemeral architecture has the potential to combine academic and artistic knowledge to Brazilian commercial production. Here is presented one experimental case study designed to Expo Revestir for Docol in 2017 that balances the paradigm of computational design with the academic field and viable commercial applications.



Palavras-chave: High-Low; File-to-Factory; Ephemeral Architecture; Computational Design;,

Palavras-chave: -,

DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2018-1797

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Como citar:

Locatelli, Arq. Daniel; de Paula, Arq. Adalberto; Omena, Me. Thiago Henrique; Lara, Prof Dr. Arthur; "High-Low as expression of the Brazilian digital fabrication", p. 718-723 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2018.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2018-1797

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