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Exposição de pavilhões brasileiros em realidade aumentada

Showcasing World Expo Brazilian pavilions in augmented reality

Paraizo, Rodrigo Cury ; Mechler, Cintia ; Gaspar, Gabriel Cordeiro ;

Artigo Completo:

This article describes an augmented reality exposition of three Brazilian World Expo pavilions. The study of Expo pavilions allow us to perceive several historic and cultural narratives embodied in those designs. The selected pavilions were from 1939 New York World’s Fair (by Oscar Niemeyer and Lucio Costa), 1958 Brussels World’s Fair (by Sergio Bernardes) and 1970 Osaka Expo ’70 (by Paulo Mendes da Rocha). The exposition is going to be held at the main campus of UFRJ, using Layar technology with minor adaptations to show the models in natural scale along with their corresponding information, discussing locative media opportunities regarding Architecture and Virtual Heritage.

Artigo Completo:

This article describes an augmented reality exposition of three Brazilian World Expo pavilions. The study of Expo pavilions allow us to perceive several historic and cultural narratives embodied in those designs. The selected pavilions were from 1939 New York World’s Fair (by Oscar Niemeyer and Lucio Costa), 1958 Brussels World’s Fair (by Sergio Bernardes) and 1970 Osaka Expo ’70 (by Paulo Mendes da Rocha). The exposition is going to be held at the main campus of UFRJ, using Layar technology with minor adaptations to show the models in natural scale along with their corresponding information, discussing locative media opportunities regarding Architecture and Virtual Heritage.

Palavras-chave: Locative media, Augmented reality, World fair, Virtual Heritage,

Palavras-chave: Locative media, Augmented reality, World fair, Virtual Heritage,

DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2017-095

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Como citar:

Paraizo, Rodrigo Cury; Mechler, Cintia; Gaspar, Gabriel Cordeiro; "Exposição de pavilhões brasileiros em realidade aumentada", p. 616-623 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2017.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2017-095

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