Outubro 2019 vol. 6 num. 3 - 7º Simpósio Design Sustentável

Artigo completo - Open Access.

Idioma principal

Experiences within the furniture sector in Brazil: design and sustainability at the basis

Nunes, Viviane dos Guimarães Alvim ;

Artigo completo:

The reduction of environmental impacts demands a Design approach that embraces concept development, the use of pilot projects and the optimization of production techniques. Sustainable strategies must include collaboration and the exchange of knowledge, as well as the adoption of more efficient processes through design. This paper aims at discussing the experiences of Brazilian furniture micro and small enterprises (MSEs) that attempted to adopt these strategies. The first research discuss a design pilot project that had three main objectives: (1) to incorporate sustainable design concepts and practices in the manufacturing of wooden furniture, (2) to experiment with a serial production process, thus measuring the behavioral change of MSEs regarding production, and (3) to evaluate the level of collaboration among MSEs. The second research aimed to empower the enterprises, individually, based on the first research’s recommendations. By focusing on specific aspects, this paper presents experiences and design concepts, as well as analyses the benefits and challenges for their implementation, regarding: Environmental solutions; Technological limitations; Economic issues; Socio-cultural and Organizational opportunities to strengthen relationships among companies, government, academic and support institutions, including the collaboration among researchers and society as a whole.

Artigo completo:

Palavras-chave: inter-organizational collaborative networks; sustainable design strategies; Brazilian furniture MSEs; design pilot project,


DOI: 10.5151/7dsd-3.1.045

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Como citar:

Nunes, Viviane dos Guimarães Alvim; "Experiences within the furniture sector in Brazil: design and sustainability at the basis", p. 490-503 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2019.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/7dsd-3.1.045

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