Artigo Completo - Open Access.

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Estación de hidratación: Microarquitectura inmótica resiliente - Modelo de interacción

Hydration station: Inmotic Resilient Microarchitecture- Interaction Model

Viecens, Martín ; Hernández, Silvia Patricia ; Lanzone, Luciana ; Landenberg, Raquel ; Ruiz, José Manuel ; Rezk, Alejandra ;

Artigo Completo:

This paper presents the research and development of a concrete micro-architecture proposal, based on a useful design for na interstitial urban space.The typology is a hydration station in the doors of an urban park, the park Sarmiento of the city of Córdoba where many gymnasts converge. The space with inmotic technology is resilient, able to mutate to be more comfortable, and is able to offer water with use control to ration in case of urban emergency. Working with domotics allows us to optimize the management of resources and therefore increase the efficiency of the systems of use and control.

Artigo Completo:

This paper presents the research and development of a concrete micro-architecture proposal, based on a useful design for na interstitial urban space.The typology is a hydration station in the doors of an urban park, the park Sarmiento of the city of Córdoba where many gymnasts converge. The space with inmotic technology is resilient, able to mutate to be more comfortable, and is able to offer water with use control to ration in case of urban emergency. Working with domotics allows us to optimize the management of resources and therefore increase the efficiency of the systems of use and control.

Palavras-chave: Microarchitecture, Adaptation, Resilient, Service, Interaction,

Palavras-chave: Microarchitecture, Adaptation, Resilient, Service, Interaction,

DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2017-092

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Como citar:

Viecens, Martín; Hernández, Silvia Patricia; Lanzone, Luciana; Landenberg, Raquel; Ruiz, José Manuel; Rezk, Alejandra; "Estación de hidratación: Microarquitectura inmótica resiliente - Modelo de interacción", p. 596-602 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2017.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2017-092

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