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Entre el autor y la emergencia social: Una respuesta legítima al contexto

Between the author and the social emergence: a legitimate response to the context

Meneses-Carlos, Fernando ; Frogheri, Daniela ;

Artigo Completo:

This paper will address the possibility of a design based on social emergence in contrast with author based design in a realized project. It will discuss the process and its implications within the theory and technological framework of this experience, simultaneously legitimizing the possibility of applying design and digital fabrication technologies in the Latin American context, exposing advantages and disadvantages of the experiment, concluding with a couple scenarios, one in which design is marginalized to technique, and the other were it broadens its field of knowledge.

Artigo Completo:

This paper will address the possibility of a design based on social emergence in contrast with author based design in a realized project. It will discuss the process and its implications within the theory and technological framework of this experience, simultaneously legitimizing the possibility of applying design and digital fabrication technologies in the Latin American context, exposing advantages and disadvantages of the experiment, concluding with a couple scenarios, one in which design is marginalized to technique, and the other were it broadens its field of knowledge.

Palavras-chave: Architecture, Participative Design, Emergency, Social, Facilitator,

Palavras-chave: Architecture, Participative Design, Emergency, Social, Facilitator,

DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2017-098

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Como citar:

Meneses-Carlos, Fernando; Frogheri, Daniela; "Entre el autor y la emergencia social: Una respuesta legítima al contexto", p. 639-646 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2017.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2017-098

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