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Drones, an air panopticon?


Pimentel, Diego ; Cataldi, Mariano ; Muñiz, Gonzalo ; Barbitta, Néstor ;


Drones are not just a new technology or a fun toy airplane with remote control, they are also a possible new and silent control mechanism. It would not be the first time in history nor the last in which a technological advance is used to monitor society and impress upon it the power of the State. The particularity of this case is that not only could it be misused by the government, but also some members of society could come together in an anarchic movement that, for example, could invade people's privacy, as the fact of knowing the lack of control over this type of practices.



Palavras-chave: Drones, VANT, intimidad, privacidad, seguridad,

Palavras-chave: -,

DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2018-1784

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Como citar:

Pimentel, Diego; Cataldi, Mariano; Muñiz, Gonzalo; Barbitta, Néstor; "Drones, an air panopticon?", p. 1328-1332 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2018.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2018-1784

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