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As relações determinantes entre Forma Urbana e Urbanidade

The determining relationships between Urban Form and Urbanity

Elias, Samira ; Beirão, José Nuno ;

Artigo Completo:

This study aims at identifying the determinant factors that form the condition of urbanity in urban space. A set of urbanistic attributes, based on sampled parcels of the urban network, is used for a quanti-qualitative analysis. Calculations based on these attributes are used to identify the indicators that express the performative qualities of the place, thus allowing the evaluation of the correlation between the typological characteristics of form and the qualitative expression of the urban space. This methodology points to the attributes of the urban form that are most strongly related to the concept of urbanity and that positively influence the quality of urban spaces in the Brazilian context. Finally, we compare our observation with those available in the European literature, already well established in these matters.

Artigo Completo:

This study aims at identifying the determinant factors that form the condition of urbanity in urban space. A set of urbanistic attributes, based on sampled parcels of the urban network, is used for a quanti-qualitative analysis. Calculations based on these attributes are used to identify the indicators that express the performative qualities of the place, thus allowing the evaluation of the correlation between the typological characteristics of form and the qualitative expression of the urban space. This methodology points to the attributes of the urban form that are most strongly related to the concept of urbanity and that positively influence the quality of urban spaces in the Brazilian context. Finally, we compare our observation with those available in the European literature, already well established in these matters.

Palavras-chave: Urban Form, Urbanity, Urban Space, Urban Attributes, SIG,

Palavras-chave: Urban Form, Urbanity, Urban Space, Urban Attributes, SIG,

DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2017-087

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Como citar:

Elias, Samira; Beirão, José Nuno; "As relações determinantes entre Forma Urbana e Urbanidade", p. 565-572 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2017.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2017-087

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