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A Alteridade Digital no Processo de Criação em Arquitetura

The digital otherness in the architectural design process

Pereira, Vinícius Juliani ; Backheuser, Luiz Alberto Fresl ;

Artigo Completo:

An instrument with high data-processing capacity capable of developing design solutions not previously viewed by the human intellect, should not be seen as a mere design tool. In a world encoded by the virtualization of human relations and the definitive change in the relationship between subject and object, it is the role of the architect to understand what would be his true positioning in a shared design process with a computing device. This article intends to be the beginning of a comprehensive research between theoretical and pratical aspects on the relations established between the agents involved in an algorithmic process of creation in architecture.

Artigo Completo:

An instrument with high data-processing capacity capable of developing design solutions not previously viewed by the human intellect, should not be seen as a mere design tool. In a world encoded by the virtualization of human relations and the definitive change in the relationship between subject and object, it is the role of the architect to understand what would be his true positioning in a shared design process with a computing device. This article intends to be the beginning of a comprehensive research between theoretical and pratical aspects on the relations established between the agents involved in an algorithmic process of creation in architecture.

Palavras-chave: Alteriadade digital, Arquitetura algorítmica, Processos digitais, Criação,

Palavras-chave: Alteriadade digital, Arquitetura algorítmica, Processos digitais, Criação,

DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2017-002

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Como citar:

Pereira, Vinícius Juliani; Backheuser, Luiz Alberto Fresl; "A Alteridade Digital no Processo de Criação em Arquitetura", p. 6-10 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2017.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2017-002

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