Dezembro 2013 vol. 1 num. 2 - Brazilian Meeting on Organic Synthesis 2013

Abstract - Open Access.

Idioma principal

Synthesis of new N-confused triazole-porphyrin derivatives through the Heck procedure

Gomes, Ana T.P.C. ; Silva, Fernando C. da ; Neves, Maria G.P.M.S. ; Ferreira, Vítor F. ; Cavaleiro, José A. S. ;


Porphyrins have already demonstrated significant applications in several areas; the one in Medicine (PDT-Photodynamic Therapy of cancer cells) is highly significant. Over the last years, the efforts to develop new methodologies to convert porphyrins into new derivatives, with better structural and spectroscopic characteristics for becoming efficient PDT photosensitizers, have been outstanding. One possibility consists in the coupling of porphyrins to compounds with well-established pharmacological activities. The efficiency of triazoles as antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and as antitumor agents is well established; so coupling porphyrins to triazoles may lead to new drugs. Recently the synthesis of novel porphyrin isomers, such as N-confused porphyrins, has attracted the attention of many chemists. Such compounds have energy absorption bands at wavelengths higher than 700 nm, a good feature for a compound to be used as a photosensitizer in PDT. In this communication we will report our studies on the synthesis of novel N-confused triazole-porphyrin derivatives through the Heck procedure.


Palavras-chave: N-confused porphyrins, triazoles, Heck reaction,


DOI: 10.5151/chempro-15bmos-BMOS2013_2013819125430

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Como citar:

Gomes, Ana T.P.C.; Silva, Fernando C. da; Neves, Maria G.P.M.S.; Ferreira, Vítor F.; Cavaleiro, José A. S.; "Synthesis of new N-confused triazole-porphyrin derivatives through the Heck procedure", p. 170 . In: In Blucher Chemistry Proceedings, São Paulo, v. 1, n. 2, Dezembro.2013. São Paulo: Blucher, 2013.
ISSN 2318-4043, DOI 10.5151/chempro-15bmos-BMOS2013_2013819125430

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