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Pevsner on Design education: meeting contemporary needs through the teaching of Art History

KONDO, Ariyuki ;

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Sir Nikolaus Pevsner (1902-83), a twentieth-century titan in the history of architecture, art and design, never wrote a book nor an essay exclusively on design education. This, however, does not mean he had nothing to say about the current development of design and education for future generations in design professions. Pevsner, as an art historian, was well aware of the role that he could play in terms of the practice and education of his times. Unhindered by distinctions between different types of artistic creation, viz., painting, architecture, decorative arts, industrial design, etc., he considered increasingly fractionalized branches of art to be different expressions deriving from the same desire to give visual expression to one’s frame of mind; and, as art historians deal with the states of minds of artists and designers, Pevsner firmly believed that they were capable of contributing to the education of future designers-to-be, not only in providing knowledge of works created by forebears, but also by shedding light on the minds of artists and designers as wellsprings of creative power.

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Palavras-chave: Sir Nikolaus Pevsner, Design education, Art history, Contemporary needs,


DOI: 10.5151/design-icdhs-008

Referências bibliográficas
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Como citar:

KONDO, Ariyuki; "Pevsner on Design education: meeting contemporary needs through the teaching of Art History", p. 32-36 . In: Farias, Priscila Lena; Calvera, Anna; Braga, Marcos da Costa & Schincariol, Zuleica (Eds.). Design frontiers: territories, concepts, technologies [=ICDHS 2012 - 8th Conference of the International Committee for Design History & Design Studies]. São Paulo: Blucher, 2012. São Paulo: Blucher, 2014.
ISSN 2318-6968, ISBN: 978-85-212-0692-7
DOI 10.5151/design-icdhs-008

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