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Aflalo, B. S. ; Ferrari, D. B. T. P. A. ;

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Given the increasing impact of aircraft noise for certification and commercialization purposes, a great effort has been made to decrease the acoustic emissions of newer aircraft. A great number of airports around the world limit noise emissions during the landing and takeoff phases, which contributes to increase the importance of controlling acoustic emissions of high-lift devices. Typically, simulations on aeroacustics are extremely expensive, because they involve fluid dynamics computa-tions in the transient regime. Not rarely, a single run of the computer code may require dozens of thousands of CPUs. Thus, direct optimization in aeroacoustics is often unfeasible for most of practical applications. A popular approach that has been currently adopted to overcome such difficulties involves creating a cheap-to-compute, yet accurate, surrogate (or metamodel) for the computation-intensive function on which optimization is to be performed. This work aims at using and analyzing the performance of various metamodeling techniques in slat noise simula-tions, carried out using a 2D discrete vortices method. Three classes of metamodels, were tested: (i) first and second order polynomial regressions, (ii) artificial neural networks, and (iii) Gaussian stochastic processes (GaSP). For the neural networks model, various models were created in order to verify which combinations of numbers of neurons and layers yielded better results. For the GaSP models, different covariance functions and base functions were tested. All metamodels were constructed based on data generated according to a Latin hypercube design with 28 points in a four-dimensional input space consisting in angle of attack, slat deflection angle and the two dimensions of slat position. The performance of each model was assessed with respect to the root mean square cross-validation prediction error. Results for the performed simulations indicated that the Gaussian stochastic process with the power expo-nential covariance function and a first order base function produced the best metamodel.

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Palavras-chave: Metamodeling Techniques, GaSP, Aeroacoustics, high-lift noise,


DOI: 10.5151/meceng-wccm2012-20194

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Como citar:

Aflalo, B. S.; Ferrari, D. B. T. P. A.; "METAMODELING TECHNIQUES APPLIED TO AIRCRAFT NOISE PREDICTION", p. 5018-5033 . In: In Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics [= Blucher Mechanical Engineering Proceedings, v. 1, n. 1]. São Paulo: Blucher, 2014.
ISSN 2358-0828, DOI 10.5151/meceng-wccm2012-20194

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