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Visual culture – an area of educational research

Bielecka, Malgorzata ;


Contemporary culture is defined as “visual” due to the visual form of the message it conveys to a recipient. Its message can be carried out in various ways: literally, using narrative elements of composition derived directly from material reality or through a mental shortcut contained in an aptly chosen sing or a symbol. The triumph of an image over a word means that, cooled in the admiration for the Gutenberg’s invention, we go back to the beginning, to the primary form of recording human discourse with what surrounds them. Today’s education, more than ever, requires profound changes, not even when it comes to goals, but when it comes to strategies of achieving them. It demands from us to become open for the area which has traditionally been downplayed in the school practice, the area of art and its reception. While the first part of the article is an attempt to present, in general, the relationship between visual culture and contemporary education, the second part was restricted to a narrow context – the study of the impact of selected phenomena of culture on shaping aesthetic attitudes of children. The study was carried out within the “Ugly City / Nice City” project done by pupils from selected schools in Kielce, as well as groups of students of Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce.


Palavras-chave: visual culture, advertisement, public space, art-educational projects, education.,

Palavras-chave: ,

DOI: 10.5151/edupro-aivcipe-39

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Como citar:

Bielecka, Malgorzata; "Visual culture – an area of educational research", p. 202-206 . In: Barbosa, Helena; Quental, Joana [Eds]. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Art, Illustration and Visual Culture in Infant and Primary Education. São Paulo: Blucher, 2015.
ISSN 2318-695X, ISBN: 978-989-98185-0-7
DOI 10.5151/edupro-aivcipe-39

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