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The Pleasure of doing the Right Thing: Designing Pro-Environmental Experiences with Industrial Design Engineering students.

The Pleasure of doing the Right Thing: Designing Pro-Environmental Experiences with Industrial Design Engineering students.

Retegi, Aiur ; Irizar-Arrieta, Ane ; Bereziartua, Leire ;

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Pro-Environmental Behaviour (PEB) is gaining relevance in society, since climate change is an ever-growing problem for everyone. Even though many people are willing to be more sustainable in their daily lives, engaging in Pro-Environmental practices is often considered difficult. Drivers like convenience, economy or lack of time, often end up ruining their willingness to save the planet. Using the Positive Practice Canvas as a basis, we led the students to discovering what the joy of Pro-Environmental Practices is for people that are already practising them. Then, they analysed the positive practices they gathered in order to find common patterns. Finally, based on those patterns they proposed new Pro-Environmental practices through design. This paper shows the definition and refinement of a proposed procedure, the creation of new materials to help students coping with the difficulties of incorporating psychological concepts into their design process and discusses the relevance of the resulting solutions for PEB.

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Pro-Environmental Behaviour (PEB) is gaining relevance in society, since climate change is an ever-growing problem for everyone. Even though many people are willing to be more sustainable in their daily lives, engaging in Pro-Environmental practices is often considered difficult. Drivers like convenience, economy or lack of time, often end up ruining their willingness to save the planet. Using the Positive Practice Canvas as a basis, we led the students to discovering what the joy of Pro-Environmental Practices is for people that are already practising them. Then, they analysed the positive practices they gathered in order to find common patterns. Finally, based on those patterns they proposed new Pro-Environmental practices through design. This paper shows the definition and refinement of a proposed procedure, the creation of new materials to help students coping with the difficulties of incorporating psychological concepts into their design process and discusses the relevance of the resulting solutions for PEB.

Palavras-chave: Pro-Environmental Behaviour, Experience Design, Design Education, Research tools, Psychology in Design,

Palavras-chave: Pro-Environmental Behaviour, Experience Design, Design Education, Research tools, Psychology in Design,

DOI: 10.5151/ead2023-1BIL-01Full-09Retegi

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Como citar:

Retegi, Aiur; Irizar-Arrieta, Ane; Bereziartua, Leire; "The Pleasure of doing the Right Thing: Designing Pro-Environmental Experiences with Industrial Design Engineering students.", p. 112-127 . In: 15th International Conference of the European Academy of Design. São Paulo: Blucher, 2023.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/ead2023-1BIL-01Full-09Retegi

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