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The Impact of Virtual Reality in Service Design Research

The Impact of Virtual Reality in Service Design Research

Mercado, Fuad Pumarejo ; Catapan, Márcio Fontana ;

Short paper:

This study presents the results of a systematic bibliographic review exploring the impact of virtual reality (VR) technology on service design research. The review identifies the potential benefits of using VR, such as simulating real-world scenarios, understanding emotional and experiential aspects of service design, and facilitating collaboration among stakeholders. However, the review also highlights the complexity and cost of implementing VR technology and the ethical considerations that must be addressed. The work discusses potential applications of VR in healthcare, education, and distance learning, and emphasizes the need for innovative research methods and tools to harness VR's capabilities. The review concludes that future research should address ethical concerns and potential biases associated with VR and explore its long-term impact on service design research and practice. Overall, the review demonstrates that VR has significant potential to transform service design research and enhance service experiences for users.

Short paper:

This study presents the results of a systematic bibliographic review exploring the impact of virtual reality (VR) technology on service design research. The review identifies the potential benefits of using VR, such as simulating real-world scenarios, understanding emotional and experiential aspects of service design, and facilitating collaboration among stakeholders. However, the review also highlights the complexity and cost of implementing VR technology and the ethical considerations that must be addressed. The work discusses potential applications of VR in healthcare, education, and distance learning, and emphasizes the need for innovative research methods and tools to harness VR's capabilities. The review concludes that future research should address ethical concerns and potential biases associated with VR and explore its long-term impact on service design research and practice. Overall, the review demonstrates that VR has significant potential to transform service design research and enhance service experiences for users.

Palavras-chave: Virtual Reality, Service Design, Research, Education, User Experience,

Palavras-chave: Virtual Reality, Service Design, Research, Education, User Experience,

DOI: 10.5151/ead2023-2SAO-02Short-02Fuad-Pumarejo-Mercado-et-al

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Como citar:

Mercado, Fuad Pumarejo; Catapan, Márcio Fontana; "The Impact of Virtual Reality in Service Design Research", p. 405-410 . In: 15th International Conference of the European Academy of Design. São Paulo: Blucher, 2023.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/ead2023-2SAO-02Short-02Fuad-Pumarejo-Mercado-et-al

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