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Slow Design. Sustainable process for authorial production.

Slow Design. Sustainable process for authorial production.

Barbosa, Ana Beatriz Avelino ; Thomaz, Danielle Comitre ;

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Design research has increasingly been concerned with sustainable processes for emerging technologies, guiding future directions in production. This article aims to present Slow Design as a sustainable process for authorial productions. It allows for a critique of the capitalist process, revealing practices for the future in which design can contribute to these emerging research areas. To do so, a combined narrative literature review was carried out on databases, which began with texts related exclusively to "Slow Design" and "Design for Sustainability". Afterward, the search was expanded to the identified strands most related to design, namely "authorial processes". The results point to Slow Design as a contributor to new directions for authorial production, while it currently still exists in the accelerated strand. It is possible to argue that Slow Design has an important role in Design for Sustainability, opposing the accelerated capitalist logic of production.

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Design research has increasingly been concerned with sustainable processes for emerging technologies, guiding future directions in production. This article aims to present Slow Design as a sustainable process for authorial productions. It allows for a critique of the capitalist process, revealing practices for the future in which design can contribute to these emerging research areas. To do so, a combined narrative literature review was carried out on databases, which began with texts related exclusively to "Slow Design" and "Design for Sustainability". Afterward, the search was expanded to the identified strands most related to design, namely "authorial processes". The results point to Slow Design as a contributor to new directions for authorial production, while it currently still exists in the accelerated strand. It is possible to argue that Slow Design has an important role in Design for Sustainability, opposing the accelerated capitalist logic of production.

Palavras-chave: Slow Design, Design for Sustainability, Authorial Process, Process and Production, Emerging Technologies,

Palavras-chave: Slow Design, Design for Sustainability, Authorial Process, Process and Production, Emerging Technologies,

DOI: 10.5151/ead2023-5GLA-03FULL_SlowDesign_BarbosaThomaz

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Como citar:

Barbosa, Ana Beatriz Avelino; Thomaz, Danielle Comitre; "Slow Design. Sustainable process for authorial production.", p. 904-912 . In: 15th International Conference of the European Academy of Design. São Paulo: Blucher, 2023.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/ead2023-5GLA-03FULL_SlowDesign_BarbosaThomaz

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