Dezembro 2021 vol. 9 num. 5 - 14th International Conference of the European Academy of Design, Safe Harbours for Design Research
Full Paper - Open Access.
Situating Service Design: Approaches to embedding Service Design in Voluntary Community Sector Organisations
Situating Service Design: Approaches to embedding Service Design in Voluntary Community Sector Organisations
Warwick, Laura ; Spencer, Anna ; Strohmayer, Angelika ; Talhouk, Reem ;
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Interest in integrating Service Design in the Voluntary Community Sector (VCS) is growing. However, research regarding how Service Design is being situated within such organisations is limited. We conducted a series of 14 interviews with Service Designers in seven VCS organisations in the UK that varied in size and structure. Interviewees also varied in level of seniority within their design team. Our findings highlight the different approaches used to integrate Service Design(ers) into VCS organisations depending on: the variation in role; position in organisational hierarchy; and broader working contexts. We present the features of these approaches as a way of enabling future organisational contextualisation of practitioners’ experiences. We hope to reduce barriers to organisational change needed for the successful integration of Service Design in VCS organisations.
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Interest in integrating Service Design in the Voluntary Community Sector (VCS) is growing. However, research regarding how Service Design is being situated within such organisations is limited. We conducted a series of 14 interviews with Service Designers in seven VCS organisations in the UK that varied in size and structure. Interviewees also varied in level of seniority within their design team. Our findings highlight the different approaches used to integrate Service Design(ers) into VCS organisations depending on: the variation in role; position in organisational hierarchy; and broader working contexts. We present the features of these approaches as a way of enabling future organisational contextualisation of practitioners’ experiences. We hope to reduce barriers to organisational change needed for the successful integration of Service Design in VCS organisations.
Palavras-chave: service design, embedding design, charities,
Palavras-chave: service design, embedding design, charities,
DOI: 10.5151/ead2021-146
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Como citar:
Warwick, Laura; Spencer, Anna; Strohmayer, Angelika; Talhouk, Reem; "Situating Service Design: Approaches to embedding Service Design in Voluntary Community Sector Organisations", p. 587-595 . In: 14th International Conference of the European Academy of Design, Safe Harbours for Design Research.
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2318-6968,
DOI 10.5151/ead2021-146
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