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Rethinking Experiential and Hands-On Learning for Digital Spaces: A game-based case study in design education

Rethinking Experiential and Hands-On Learning for Digital Spaces: A game-based case study in design education

Madsen, Kristina Maria ; Jensen, Thessa ;

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The experiential learning cycle by Kolb is used as a basic framework for connecting abstract concepts like creativity with the design thinking process in a digital online course environment. The students contemplated each step in the learning cycle at least twice in an onward learning spiral. We as teachers completed the cycle on a meta-level, beginning with the abstract conceptualization of the course materials, theories, and methods, and ending with writing this article. The design thinking process applies second-order learning, where the students utilize theories, methods, and actual experiences in the design of their prototype, the testing of which gives new actual experiences, which in turn are reflected upon and finally conceptualised in the concluding exam. Our findings show that despite the challenges of transferring a course from a physical setting to an online environment, teaching and learning, as well as group work are possible.

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The experiential learning cycle by Kolb is used as a basic framework for connecting abstract concepts like creativity with the design thinking process in a digital online course environment. The students contemplated each step in the learning cycle at least twice in an onward learning spiral. We as teachers completed the cycle on a meta-level, beginning with the abstract conceptualization of the course materials, theories, and methods, and ending with writing this article. The design thinking process applies second-order learning, where the students utilize theories, methods, and actual experiences in the design of their prototype, the testing of which gives new actual experiences, which in turn are reflected upon and finally conceptualised in the concluding exam. Our findings show that despite the challenges of transferring a course from a physical setting to an online environment, teaching and learning, as well as group work are possible.

Palavras-chave: experiential learning, design thinking, creativity, virtual learning spaces, digital tools,

Palavras-chave: experiential learning, design thinking, creativity, virtual learning spaces, digital tools,

DOI: 10.5151/ead2021-126

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Como citar:

Madsen, Kristina Maria; Jensen, Thessa; "Rethinking Experiential and Hands-On Learning for Digital Spaces: A game-based case study in design education", p. 49-59 . In: 14th International Conference of the European Academy of Design, Safe Harbours for Design Research. São Paulo: Blucher, 2021.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/ead2021-126

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