Maio 2014 vol. 1 num. 2 - 6th Information Design International Conference
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Prototyping in Design of Digital Game for Neural Rehabilitation of Patients with sequelae of Stroke
Santa Rosa, José Guilherme ; Pereira Jr., Antônio ; Gurgel, Andrei ;
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This paper describes research conducted during the development of a Digital Game for rehabilitation therapy of patients with sequelae of Stroke. The game is intended for elderly - the most numerous victims of stroke. Generally these patients face sharp decline in their quality of life. The quality of the treatment given to these patients as well as their engagement and frequency of exercises throughout the rehabilitation process, are factors that can decisively contribute in his recovery. Researchers opted for Participatory Design methodology, including in decision-making and construction both patients as well as therapists, caregivers and programmers. After an exploratory research with the elderly group to raise the specific target audience, drew up a low fidelity prototype, made in paper, for testing with users in the future steps of this reserach.
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Palavras-chave: design, prototipagem, jogos digitais, design,
DOI: 10.5151/designpro-CIDI-91
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Como citar:
Santa Rosa, José Guilherme; Pereira Jr., Antônio; Gurgel, Andrei; "Prototyping in Design of Digital Game for Neural Rehabilitation of Patients with sequelae of Stroke", p. 940-950 . In: In Coutinho, Solange G.; Moura, Monica; Campello, Silvio Barreto; Cadena, Renata A.; Almeida, Swanne (orgs.). Proceedings of the 6th Information Design International Conference, 5th InfoDesign, 6th CONGIC [= Blucher Design Proceedings, num.2, vol.1].
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2318-6968,
ISBN: 978-85-212-0824-2
DOI 10.5151/designpro-CIDI-91
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