Setembro 2017 vol. 4 num. 1 - VIII Encontro Científico de Física Aplicada

Artigo Completo - Open Access.

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Project of a Pilot-Microgrid connected to the Main Grid

Project of a Pilot-Microgrid connected to the Main Grid

Silva, Danilo P. e ; Carletti, Daniel ; Christo, Tiago M. de ; Basoni, Renan C. ; Queiroz, Macello D. ; Barbosa, Igor O. ; Orlando, Marcos T. D. ; Fardin, Jussara F. ;

Artigo Completo:

The interest on renewable sources of energy and sustainable energy management has driven a lot of countries to develop projects and researches about this subject. The microgrid is one of the approaches within the concept of Smart Grids that has been studied through recent years. This paper describes the recent state of the researches about microgrids in Federal University of Esp´irito Santo, and presents the pilot project of a microgrid developed in this university. The microgrid is connected to the electrical main grid with wind and solar photovoltaic resources and with a control system for studies on energy management, electrical systems protection, multi-objective optimization and virtual synchronous generation.

Artigo Completo:

The interest on renewable sources of energy and sustainable energy management has driven a lot of countries to develop projects and researches about this subject. The microgrid is one of the approaches within the concept of Smart Grids that has been studied through recent years. This paper describes the recent state of the researches about microgrids in Federal University of Esp´irito Santo, and presents the pilot project of a microgrid developed in this university. The microgrid is connected to the electrical main grid with wind and solar photovoltaic resources and with a control system for studies on energy management, electrical systems protection, multi-objective optimization and virtual synchronous generation.

Palavras-chave: Pilot-Microgrid, Main Grid,


DOI: 10.5151/phypro-viii-efa-23

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Como citar:

Silva, Danilo P. e; Carletti, Daniel; Christo, Tiago M. de; Basoni, Renan C.; Queiroz, Macello D.; Barbosa, Igor O.; Orlando, Marcos T. D.; Fardin, Jussara F.; "Project of a Pilot-Microgrid connected to the Main Grid", p. 96-101 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2017.
ISSN 2358-2359, DOI 10.5151/phypro-viii-efa-23

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