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Participatory Design and Democracy: A systematic review

Participatory Design and Democracy: A systematic review

Freire, Lara Liz ; Souto, Virgínia Tiradentes ; Silva, Tiago Barros Pontes e ; Siqueira, Nayara Moreno de ;

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Recently, the role of Design in relation to Democracy has been discussed in literature, and Participatory Design has proven to be a very adherent term to this relationship. The aim of this work is to discuss Participatory Design as an instrument for the elaboration of transformative remedies, contributing to the maximization of rationality and effectiveness in the design of public policies. For this, the Meta-Analytic Focus Theory was used to analyse the most relevant elements, such as publications, authors, and keywords from literature. The data collection included articles published between 2012 and 2022 and the Bibliometrix and Tagcloud software were used for the investigation. The findings identified that Computer Science and Social Sciences stand out and are the most representative areas, politics, computation, community, innovation, and governance are the most relevant topics related to the subject, and decolonial agenda and contemporary feminist utopia have an important correlation also.

Full paper:

Recently, the role of Design in relation to Democracy has been discussed in literature, and Participatory Design has proven to be a very adherent term to this relationship. The aim of this work is to discuss Participatory Design as an instrument for the elaboration of transformative remedies, contributing to the maximization of rationality and effectiveness in the design of public policies. For this, the Meta-Analytic Focus Theory was used to analyse the most relevant elements, such as publications, authors, and keywords from literature. The data collection included articles published between 2012 and 2022 and the Bibliometrix and Tagcloud software were used for the investigation. The findings identified that Computer Science and Social Sciences stand out and are the most representative areas, politics, computation, community, innovation, and governance are the most relevant topics related to the subject, and decolonial agenda and contemporary feminist utopia have an important correlation also.

Palavras-chave: Participatory Design, Co-design, Democracy and Public Policy,

Palavras-chave: Participatory Design, Co-design, Democracy and Public Policy,

DOI: 10.5151/ead2023-2SAO-01Full-03Lara-Liz-Freire-et-al

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Como citar:

Freire, Lara Liz; Souto, Virgínia Tiradentes; Silva, Tiago Barros Pontes e; Siqueira, Nayara Moreno de; "Participatory Design and Democracy: A systematic review", p. 294-307 . In: 15th International Conference of the European Academy of Design. São Paulo: Blucher, 2023.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/ead2023-2SAO-01Full-03Lara-Liz-Freire-et-al

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