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Not knowing with plants as animation practical strategy

Not knowing with plants as animation practical strategy

Lu, Yun ;

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This research investigates the dualism between intention and craft in animation, throughout adopting not knowing with plants as practical strategy. The action of animating contains a dualism between intention and craft, and indicating a power structure that craft should be denoting to the intention. This endowment shows as a single identity and continuity. Not knowing suggests an alternative labour division rather than the vertical labour division for both industry and individuals. To employ not knowing is able to evoke the creativity from material labour itself and facilitates a spontaneity of technique without categorisation, presenting as “a decision” than “choice”. To animate with plants employed not knowing strategy suggests a spherical time mode without clear division of the former and later in timing, object and subject, animator and audiences etc., throughout a sharing ground by the generosity of vegetality, in which plants and human should be both regarded as animators.

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This research investigates the dualism between intention and craft in animation, throughout adopting not knowing with plants as practical strategy. The action of animating contains a dualism between intention and craft, and indicating a power structure that craft should be denoting to the intention. This endowment shows as a single identity and continuity. Not knowing suggests an alternative labour division rather than the vertical labour division for both industry and individuals. To employ not knowing is able to evoke the creativity from material labour itself and facilitates a spontaneity of technique without categorisation, presenting as “a decision” than “choice”. To animate with plants employed not knowing strategy suggests a spherical time mode without clear division of the former and later in timing, object and subject, animator and audiences etc., throughout a sharing ground by the generosity of vegetality, in which plants and human should be both regarded as animators.

Palavras-chave: Animation, craft, plants, not knowing, animated jams,

Palavras-chave: Animation, craft, plants, not knowing, animated jams,

DOI: 10.5151/ead2023-3SON_Paper_06Yun-Lu

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Como citar:

Lu, Yun; "Not knowing with plants as animation practical strategy", p. 479-493 . In: 15th International Conference of the European Academy of Design. São Paulo: Blucher, 2023.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/ead2023-3SON_Paper_06Yun-Lu

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