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Moving from products to services: Supporting strategic thinking through design workshops

Moving from products to services: Supporting strategic thinking through design workshops

Harre, Olivia ; Simeone, Luca ; Nielsen, Lene ;

Full Paper:

Transitioning a company from product-centricity to a new service-centred offering requires substantial changes, which can have deep implications for the company’s processes, structure, and technology. Strategic thinking can help managers and employees to plan and cope with change. Our paper offers empirical insight into how a Danish IT company that is transitioning to being service-centric hosted and facilitated a set of design workshops to foster strategic thinking across the organization. Such design workshops were structured to invite participants to adopt multiple perspectives and think through different temporalities, while mediating the interaction to allow diverse perspectives to emerge.

Full Paper:

Transitioning a company from product-centricity to a new service-centred offering requires substantial changes, which can have deep implications for the company’s processes, structure, and technology. Strategic thinking can help managers and employees to plan and cope with change. Our paper offers empirical insight into how a Danish IT company that is transitioning to being service-centric hosted and facilitated a set of design workshops to foster strategic thinking across the organization. Such design workshops were structured to invite participants to adopt multiple perspectives and think through different temporalities, while mediating the interaction to allow diverse perspectives to emerge.

Palavras-chave: strategic thinking, design workshops, service centricity,

Palavras-chave: strategic thinking, design workshops, service centricity,

DOI: 10.5151/ead2021-120

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Como citar:

Harre, Olivia; Simeone, Luca; Nielsen, Lene; "Moving from products to services: Supporting strategic thinking through design workshops", p. 532-543 . In: 14th International Conference of the European Academy of Design, Safe Harbours for Design Research. São Paulo: Blucher, 2021.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/ead2021-120

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