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Ramos Júnior, Mário Joel ; Meideiros, Diego Lima ; Almeida, Edna dos Santos ; Azevedo, Joyce Batista ;

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This study aims to evaluate the logistics of decommissioning wind turbine blades for an energy recovery scenario in a cement kiln in the State of Bahia – Brazil. The Center of Gravity Method (CGM) was used to define the optimized location of the Materials Processing Center (MPC) from waste resources based on the coordinates, composite material mass and transportation cost of the 247 wind farms, while the Material Flow Analysis (MFA) was used to elaborate the mass balance from Brotas de Macaúbas Wind Complex. The results indicated that the energy recovery of the 1 070 t composite material of the Brotas de Macaúbas Wind Complex can replace 642 t of petroleum coke in a cement plant. Energy recovery in cement plants provides a feasible method for composite disposal of old blades, as long as the costs of transportation, segregation, and shredding are affordable.

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This study aims to evaluate the logistics of decommissioning wind turbine blades for an energy recovery scenario in a cement kiln in the State of Bahia – Brazil. The Center of Gravity Method (CGM) was used to define the optimized location of the Materials Processing Center (MPC) from waste resources based on the coordinates, composite material mass and transportation cost of the 247 wind farms, while the Material Flow Analysis (MFA) was used to elaborate the mass balance from Brotas de Macaúbas Wind Complex. The results indicated that the energy recovery of the 1 070 t composite material of the Brotas de Macaúbas Wind Complex can replace 642 t of petroleum coke in a cement plant. Energy recovery in cement plants provides a feasible method for composite disposal of old blades, as long as the costs of transportation, segregation, and shredding are affordable.

Palavras-chave: Locational optimization; Wind turbine blade; Solid waste management; Energy recovery; Composite material,

Palavras-chave: Locational optimization; Wind turbine blade; Solid waste management; Energy recovery; Composite material,

DOI: 10.5151/siintec2023-306343

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Como citar:

Ramos Júnior, Mário Joel ; Meideiros, Diego Lima ; Almeida, Edna dos Santos ; Azevedo, Joyce Batista ; "LOGISTICS OPTIMIZATION OF DECOMMISSIONED WIND TURBINE BLADES FOR ENERGY RECOVERY IN CEMENT PLANT IN BAHIA", p. 509-516 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2023.
ISSN 2357-7592, DOI 10.5151/siintec2023-306343

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