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Landscaping co-design: digital fabrication as communication among designers, visually impaired people and children

Landscaping co-design: digital fabrication as communication among designers, visually impaired people and children

Mussi, Andréa Quadrado ; Rodrigues, Daiara Iasmin ; Isele, Priscila Castioni ; Schneider, Alana Arena ;

Conference full papers:

Children's playgrounds, intended for recreation and significant for the inclusion and mobility of children, through inclusive urban equipment that stimulate new experiences for cognitive development. In order to gather suggestions through a co-design with visually impaired people and children, to develop the landscaping co-design at Square Capitão Jovino. This article describes some activities carried out in the design processes, emphasizing the importance of an inclusive project based on their daily experiences. This article is a follow-up of the actions already carried out for requalification in the square (nine years ago), with the support of Higher Education Institution and Blind Association.

Conference full papers:

Palavras-chave: Design process, Digital fabrication, Co-design, Visually impaired people,


DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2020-108

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Como citar:

Mussi, Andréa Quadrado; Rodrigues, Daiara Iasmin; Isele, Priscila Castioni; Schneider, Alana Arena; "Landscaping co-design: digital fabrication as communication among designers, visually impaired people and children", p. 791-798 . In: Congreso SIGraDi 2020. São Paulo: Blucher, 2020.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2020-108

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