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Knowledge bases and regional development: an exploratory application of the "SAS Model" to the Brazilian economy

Britto, Jorge ;


The subject ofthe analysis is the structure and the evolution of the ideal-types of “knowledgebase" defined from data about employment according to the SAS Model at thelevel of the Brazilian territorial units. Specifically, the analysis seeks toidentify the absolute and relative relevance of these knowledge bases in differentterritorial units as well as the evolution of these characteristics over aperiod of twelve years, in order to identify reinforcing or re-specializationpatterns. The analysis also includes an attempt to analyze the connectionsbetween the characteristic of the educational infrastructure and the distributionof employment in Knowledge Bases. A conclusive section summarizes some policyimplications generated from the analysis.


Palavras-chave: SAS Model; Knowledge Bases; Territorial Concentration of Employment; Territorial Redistribution of Employment; Territorial Concentration of Tertiary Education,

Palavras-chave: ,

DOI: 10.5151/enei2018-52

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Como citar:

Britto, Jorge; "Knowledge bases and regional development: an exploratory application of the "SAS Model" to the Brazilian economy", p. 926-948 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2018.
ISSN 2357-7592, DOI 10.5151/enei2018-52

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