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Interactive Design as Mediation for Social Connection Against Loneliness of Vulnerable People

Interactive Design as Mediation for Social Connection Against Loneliness of Vulnerable People

Dong, Chenxi ;

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With social improvement, the emotional connection problems faced by vulnerable people have got the attention of society. This paper explores how design can establish social connection as a form of mediation. To achieve this goal, we conducted a review of relevant literature and in-depth interviews with 21 individuals considered vulnerable. We then conducted several case studies from the Industrial Design department of TU/e, providing an overview of the forms and features of interactive design in this context. Through this exploration, we identified five essential elements of emotional connectedness design: role, relationship, engagement, trigger, and expectation. Design guidelines were proposed according to the five elements. We also present an ideation process for designing social connections. We discuss the rationality of our design method and establish it as a guide and evaluation tool for the design process. Finally, we discuss future research directions and conclude our findings.

Full paper:

With social improvement, the emotional connection problems faced by vulnerable people have got the attention of society. This paper explores how design can establish social connection as a form of mediation. To achieve this goal, we conducted a review of relevant literature and in-depth interviews with 21 individuals considered vulnerable. We then conducted several case studies from the Industrial Design department of TU/e, providing an overview of the forms and features of interactive design in this context. Through this exploration, we identified five essential elements of emotional connectedness design: role, relationship, engagement, trigger, and expectation. Design guidelines were proposed according to the five elements. We also present an ideation process for designing social connections. We discuss the rationality of our design method and establish it as a guide and evaluation tool for the design process. Finally, we discuss future research directions and conclude our findings.

Palavras-chave: Vulnerable people, Interactive design, Mediation, Social connection, Loneliness,

Palavras-chave: Vulnerable people, Interactive design, Mediation, Social connection, Loneliness,

DOI: 10.5151/ead2023-3SON_Paper_07Chenxi-Dong

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Como citar:

Dong, Chenxi; "Interactive Design as Mediation for Social Connection Against Loneliness of Vulnerable People", p. 494-505 . In: 15th International Conference of the European Academy of Design. São Paulo: Blucher, 2023.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/ead2023-3SON_Paper_07Chenxi-Dong

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