Agosto 2017 vol. 3 num. 6 - SBDS + ISSD 2017

Artigo Completo - Open Access.

Idioma principal

ICONOGRAPHY OF GOIANA: a participative approach in the search for a shared design project

Cavalcanti, Virginia ; Soares, Felipe ; Andrade, Ana ; Tabosa, Tibério ;

Artigo Completo:

Given the current paradigms and complexity of the contemporary context together with the support of new technologies and communication, alternative ways to build, produce, deliver/distribute projects and artifacts have arisen. These new formats discuss, among other issues, how authorship is configured and gains recognition. This phenomenon can be identified in the design field by examining approaches such as participatory design, collaborative design and open design. This article describes the iconography projecta,, which used the premises of participatory design and was developed for the town of Goiana, Pernambuco. It arose from a request from SEBRAE PE and Goiana Town Hall. The research methods were of an exploratory and qualitative character. The former included a review of the literature, a search for documents and the conduct of interviews; and the latter gave value to the content of systematized information and the oral history of the town. Both benefitted from the constant and intensive involvement of the community and local participants. The results, photographic records and graphical elements for each of the icons, confirm how important it is that contractors, the various segments of the local community and representatives of the Town Hall take part as this ensures the quality of the final project.

Artigo Completo:

Palavras-chave: Iconography, Participative Design, design methods,


DOI: 10.5151/sbds-issd-2017-013

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Como citar:

Cavalcanti, Virginia; Soares, Felipe; Andrade, Ana; Tabosa, Tibério; "ICONOGRAPHY OF GOIANA: a participative approach in the search for a shared design project", p. 76-81 . In: Anais do Simpósio Brasileiro de Design Sustentável e International Symposium on Sustainable Design 2017. São Paulo: Blucher, 2017.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sbds-issd-2017-013

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