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Feix, Rodrigo Daniel ; Colussi, Joana ; Stefani, Rafael ; Zawislak, Paulo Antônio ;

Artigo completo:

The significant growth of Brazilian agribusiness has contributed to spreading a collective perception that Brazil produces with high levels of efficiency and has a competitive advantage in a wide range of sophisticated products. But is this image an accurate representation of Brazilian agriculture in an international context? To answer this question and analyze the sources of agricultural productivity differences between countries we adopted the economic complexity approach. The results indicated that the Brazilian agribusiness complexity is at an intermediate stage, lower than the countries with the highest income per capita in agriculture. In addition, through a cross-country analysis we found a positive correlation between labor productivity in agriculture and the agribusiness complexity up to the year 2012, when the signal reverses, possibly due to the greater importance of South-South agricultural flows and the protectionist movements in the post-international crisis period. In conclusion, even though Brazilian agro can be qualified as pop, it does not seem appropriate to define it as high-tech, especially if the reference is the labor productivity and product complexity of leading countries.

Artigo completo:

Palavras-chave: Brazilian agribusiness, technical progress, economic complexity,


DOI: 10.5151/iv-enei-2019-1.1-038

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Como citar:

Feix, Rodrigo Daniel; Colussi, Joana; Stefani, Rafael; Zawislak, Paulo Antônio; "HOW SOPHISTICATED IS BRAZILIAN AGRIBUSINESS? AN EXPLORATORY ANALYSIS BASED ON ECONOMIC COMPLEXITY APPROACH", p. 53-71 . In: Anais do IV Encontro Nacional de Economia Industrial e Inovação. São Paulo: Blucher, 2019.
ISSN 2357-7592, DOI 10.5151/iv-enei-2019-1.1-038

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