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History of social design as social history of design: An introduction to the Brazilian perspective

History of social design as social history of design: An introduction to the Brazilian perspective

Cossio, Gustavo ;

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This paper prompts an introductory panorama regarding the historical paths and the pedagogical vectors of social design in Brazil, through the analysis of a set of documents: two master’s theses, a book and a round table on the theme. In conjunction with a narrative review of the evidences, the theoretical foundation summarizes the design history contemporary research agenda with emphasis on its social matter. Therefore, the study envisages history of social design as an emerging topic of inquiry and its addition towards the histories of design education in the Brazilian scenario.

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This paper prompts an introductory panorama regarding the historical paths and the pedagogical vectors of social design in Brazil, through the analysis of a set of documents: two master’s theses, a book and a round table on the theme. In conjunction with a narrative review of the evidences, the theoretical foundation summarizes the design history contemporary research agenda with emphasis on its social matter. Therefore, the study envisages history of social design as an emerging topic of inquiry and its addition towards the histories of design education in the Brazilian scenario.

Palavras-chave: design history, social design, microhistory, history of design education, history of design research,

Palavras-chave: design history, social design, microhistory, history of design education, history of design research,

DOI: 10.5151/ead2023-2SAO-01Full-01Gustavo-Cossio

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Como citar:

Cossio, Gustavo; "History of social design as social history of design: An introduction to the Brazilian perspective", p. 267-279 . In: 15th International Conference of the European Academy of Design. São Paulo: Blucher, 2023.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/ead2023-2SAO-01Full-01Gustavo-Cossio

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