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Fab Lab y Multiculturalidad en América Latina: El caso de Fab Lat Kids y el proyecto “Emosilla”

Fab Lab and Multiculturalism in Latin America: The Fab Lat Kids case and the project “Emosilla”

Angelo, Alex Garcia Smith ; Manna, Ilaria La ; Hernandez, Oscar ; Valdiviezo, Marlon ; Lastras, Alejandra Díaz de León ; Salazar, Oscar Ivan Campo ; Montezuma, Vanessa ; Zubieta, Marco ;

Artigo Completo:

This paper expresses a lecture of the experience of an investigation carried by a group of Latin American Fab Labs dedicated to the promotion of the use of modeling, digital fabrication, and network communication as tools of educational and social development of children in latin culture. This study is based on online workshop typologies with a methodological perspective that included local technological adaptations, data gathering, and exchange of knowledge on the fab lab network.

Artigo Completo:

This paper expresses a lecture of the experience of an investigation carried by a group of Latin American Fab Labs dedicated to the promotion of the use of modeling, digital fabrication, and network communication as tools of educational and social development of children in latin culture. This study is based on online workshop typologies with a methodological perspective that included local technological adaptations, data gathering, and exchange of knowledge on the fab lab network.

Palavras-chave: Design, Digital Manufacturing, Society, Technology Learning, Collaborative Network,

Palavras-chave: Design, Digital Manufacturing, Society, Technology Learning, Collaborative Network,

DOI: 10.5151/despro-sigradi2015-100177

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Como citar:

Angelo, Alex Garcia Smith; Manna, Ilaria La; Hernandez, Oscar; Valdiviezo, Marlon; Lastras, Alejandra Díaz de León; Salazar, Oscar Ivan Campo; Montezuma, Vanessa; Zubieta, Marco; "Fab Lab y Multiculturalidad en América Latina: El caso de Fab Lat Kids y el proyecto “Emosilla”", p. 551-557 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2015.
ISSN 2318-6968, ISBN: 978-85-8039-136-7
DOI 10.5151/despro-sigradi2015-100177

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