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Digital Fabrication and Rapid Prototyping as a Curricular Component in Architecture and Urbanism Course: A Didactic Pedagogical Experience

Digital Fabrication and Rapid Prototyping as a Curricular Component in Architecture and Urbanism Course: A Didactic Pedagogical Experience

Secchi, Carla Cristina ; Piaia, Luana Peroza ; Avila, Paola ; Perin, Luciano ;

Conference full papers:

Digital technologies have transformed the stages of the Architecture and Urbanism design process, interfering in the learning method. The objective is to present the results acquired during the implementation of an undergraduate discipline, verifying evolution, method and impact on the process. These are presented through a qualitative approach and procedure classified as Case Study and Ex-post-facto. The evolution of the component is perceived over the years, positively impacting on the quality of teaching and training of students. The insertion of digital technologies in academic background reflects on the development of skills and abilities, providing new experiences and enriching the teaching.

Conference full papers:

Palavras-chave: Architecture Teaching, Digital Fabrication, Rapid Prototyping, Design Process,


DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2020-104

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Como citar:

Secchi, Carla Cristina; Piaia, Luana Peroza; Avila, Paola; Perin, Luciano; "Digital Fabrication and Rapid Prototyping as a Curricular Component in Architecture and Urbanism Course: A Didactic Pedagogical Experience", p. 758-766 . In: Congreso SIGraDi 2020. São Paulo: Blucher, 2020.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2020-104

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