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Design’s role in the production of educational digital games for teaching science

Onari, Daniela Yumi ; Yonezawa, Wilson Massashiro ;

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The development of digital content for education purposes requires specific care. In this context, developing educational digital games is a task that requires professionals from different areas such as: education, computing and graphic design. The care as scientific concepts must be transposed into a digital game is a subject that deserves to be investigated. This work proposes to investigate how Design concepts can contribute to build RPG (Role-Playing Game Playing Game) games for science education.

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Palavras-chave: Palavras-chave: design, jogos digitais educacionais, transposição didática., design,


DOI: 10.5151/designpro-CIDI-155

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Como citar:

Onari, Daniela Yumi; Yonezawa, Wilson Massashiro; "Design’s role in the production of educational digital games for teaching science", p. 1615-1620 . In: In Coutinho, Solange G.; Moura, Monica; Campello, Silvio Barreto; Cadena, Renata A.; Almeida, Swanne (orgs.). Proceedings of the 6th Information Design International Conference, 5th InfoDesign, 6th CONGIC [= Blucher Design Proceedings, num.2, vol.1]. São Paulo: Blucher, 2014.
ISSN 2318-6968, ISBN: 978-85-212-0824-2
DOI 10.5151/designpro-CIDI-155

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