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Designing Co-Creation in the Circular City 

Designing Co-Creation in the Circular City 

Huang, Li-Ting ; Villari, Beatrice ;

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Circular Economy (CE) is embedded in cities to promote inclusive, resilient, and sustainable lifestyles by design. Nevertheless, the transition from a linear to a circular lifestyle requires the collaboration of various stakeholders. Co-creation contributes and promotes unconventional methods as well as helps integrate resources from the city’s key stakeholders. However, despite its prevalence in the private sector, the concept of co-creation has not been widely adopted in circular cities. As a continuation of previous studies, this paper aims at verifying the Circular City Co-creation Framework, chiefly constructed on the case studies of four prestigious circular cities. It delineates nine co-creation initiatives with actors involved and tools adopted to aid cities in transferring from linear to circular cities. To validate this framework, two circular cities – Gothenburg and Ljubljana – are examined extensively through case study analysis and semi-structured interviews. The results of this study revealed four main advantages of applying this framework.

Full Paper:

Circular Economy (CE) is embedded in cities to promote inclusive, resilient, and sustainable lifestyles by design. Nevertheless, the transition from a linear to a circular lifestyle requires the collaboration of various stakeholders. Co-creation contributes and promotes unconventional methods as well as helps integrate resources from the city’s key stakeholders. However, despite its prevalence in the private sector, the concept of co-creation has not been widely adopted in circular cities. As a continuation of previous studies, this paper aims at verifying the Circular City Co-creation Framework, chiefly constructed on the case studies of four prestigious circular cities. It delineates nine co-creation initiatives with actors involved and tools adopted to aid cities in transferring from linear to circular cities. To validate this framework, two circular cities – Gothenburg and Ljubljana – are examined extensively through case study analysis and semi-structured interviews. The results of this study revealed four main advantages of applying this framework.

Palavras-chave: circular economy, circular city, co-creation design, co-creation framework,

Palavras-chave: circular economy, circular city, co-creation design, co-creation framework,

DOI: 10.5151/ead2021-191

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Como citar:

Huang, Li-Ting; Villari, Beatrice; "Designing Co-Creation in the Circular City ", p. 361-372 . In: 14th International Conference of the European Academy of Design, Safe Harbours for Design Research. São Paulo: Blucher, 2021.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/ead2021-191

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