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Designed Epistemology

Designed Epistemology

Karbowski, Arthur ; Fraher, Robert ;

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The reliance on linear, rational, Enlightenment philosophy to guide pedagogy and practice in knowledge creation, specifically in education and design, can sometimes lead to problems. This paper calls on Gödel’s incompleteness results to justify the use of design principles in building epistemology. An example of course design is examined using Jonas’ Research through Design framework (2014) and compared to Deleuze and Guattari’s idea of the rhizome. The question is raised whether philosophical and psychoanalytic theory can provide the framework for design theory.

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The reliance on linear, rational, Enlightenment philosophy to guide pedagogy and practice in knowledge creation, specifically in education and design, can sometimes lead to problems. This paper calls on Gödel’s incompleteness results to justify the use of design principles in building epistemology. An example of course design is examined using Jonas’ Research through Design framework (2014) and compared to Deleuze and Guattari’s idea of the rhizome. The question is raised whether philosophical and psychoanalytic theory can provide the framework for design theory.

Palavras-chave: Design theory, Philosophy, Scientific method, Research through Design,

Palavras-chave: Design theory, Philosophy, Scientific method, Research through Design,

DOI: 10.5151/ead2021-174

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Como citar:

Karbowski, Arthur; Fraher, Robert; "Designed Epistemology", p. 149-156 . In: 14th International Conference of the European Academy of Design, Safe Harbours for Design Research. São Paulo: Blucher, 2021.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/ead2021-174

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