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Design Intermediate Objects: elements of project culture

Monteiro, Beany Guimarães ;

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This article approaches design intermediate objects as connecting elements between the design and the production of a product. The bases for this approach are the empirical conclusion that project activity is mediated by design objects and the understanding of a project as a social process, according to Bucciarelli (1994). This text was based on the author’s PhD. thesis. As elements of project culture, Design Intermediate Objects are facilitators of social interactions inherent to the project itself. Besides contributing to the integration of product development stages, design intermediate objects constitute records of this process and, as such, are inherent to project culture. These elements form the basis for action, and may be the results of work: they are seen as mediators between different activities or as messengers, throughout the work, that carry the idea one intends to communicate. In both cases, as mediators and messengers, design intermediate objects allow us to describe the development of a product, relating it to the different steps of this process. (MER et al, 1995).

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Palavras-chave: Design, produto, objetos intermediários de concepção, Design,


DOI: 10.5151/designpro-CIDI-79

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Como citar:

Monteiro, Beany Guimarães; "Design Intermediate Objects: elements of project culture", p. 821-828 . In: In Coutinho, Solange G.; Moura, Monica; Campello, Silvio Barreto; Cadena, Renata A.; Almeida, Swanne (orgs.). Proceedings of the 6th Information Design International Conference, 5th InfoDesign, 6th CONGIC [= Blucher Design Proceedings, num.2, vol.1]. São Paulo: Blucher, 2014.
ISSN 2318-6968, ISBN: 978-85-212-0824-2
DOI 10.5151/designpro-CIDI-79

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