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Design for Sustainability and Degrowth: In search of a perspective from the Global South

Design for Sustainability and Degrowth: In search of a perspective from the Global South

Silva, Julia Teles da ;

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This article attempts to give Design for Sustainability a perspective from the Global South, taking into account indigenous views and questioning the idea of development as a means to achieve a better life quality. Since in the Global South, progress has always been linked to mining and deforestation, sustainable design should have a post-developmental perspective, as in the proposal of Buen Vivir, an indigenous idea of living well in harmony with nature. This also means changing our point of view on objects and their importance, and learning from indigenous peoples such as the Yanomami, who have always seen objects more as a way of strengthening social ties than as a good to be kept. The article reviews thoughts on sustainable design from the last decades and then considers what the indigenous views have to contribute to the debate, also taking a look at indigenous objects made from natural materials.

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This article attempts to give Design for Sustainability a perspective from the Global South, taking into account indigenous views and questioning the idea of development as a means to achieve a better life quality. Since in the Global South, progress has always been linked to mining and deforestation, sustainable design should have a post-developmental perspective, as in the proposal of Buen Vivir, an indigenous idea of living well in harmony with nature. This also means changing our point of view on objects and their importance, and learning from indigenous peoples such as the Yanomami, who have always seen objects more as a way of strengthening social ties than as a good to be kept. The article reviews thoughts on sustainable design from the last decades and then considers what the indigenous views have to contribute to the debate, also taking a look at indigenous objects made from natural materials.

Palavras-chave: Design for Sustainability, Buen Vivir, Global South,

Palavras-chave: Design for Sustainability, Buen Vivir, Global South,

DOI: 10.5151/ead2023-2SAO-01Full-10Julia-Teles-da-Silva

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Como citar:

Silva, Julia Teles da; "Design for Sustainability and Degrowth: In search of a perspective from the Global South", p. 387-395 . In: 15th International Conference of the European Academy of Design. São Paulo: Blucher, 2023.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/ead2023-2SAO-01Full-10Julia-Teles-da-Silva

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