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Cross-border co-authorships in scientific articles and knowledge flows: Implications for investigating an emerging international system of innovation

Cross-border co-authorships in scientific articles and knowledge flows: Implications for investigating an emerging international system of innovation

RIBEIRO, Leonardo Costa ; RAPINI, Márcia Siqueira ; SILVA, Leandro Alves ; ALBUQUERQUE, Eduardo da Motta e ;

Artigo Completo:

O presente trabalho aborda os fluxos de conhecimento através de co-autorias internacionais em publicações científicas indexadas, através de uma base de dados com 10 milhões de artigos publicados em 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2012 e 2015. Os dados mostram um aumento das co-autorias internacionais de 10,7% 2000 a 21,3% em 2015. No entanto, esse crescimento tem propriedades de rede, já que o número de fluxos internacionais passou de 545.372 em 2000 para 7.083.075 em 2015. O crescimento do tamanho, da dimensão e da qualidade desses fluxos científicos fortalece um amplo e variado mosaico de interconexões que pode ser apreendido pelo tamanho da rede de co-autorias internacionais, uma rede que pode estar apoiando a emergência de um sistema global de inovação ainda rudimentar.

Artigo Completo:

This paper tracks knowledge flows through cross-border co-authorships in scientific publications, through a database with 10 million papers published in 2000, 2003, 2006 2009, 2012 and 2015. The data show na increase in international co-authorships from 10.7% in 2000 to 21.3% in 2015. These co-authorships generate a network among the author’s institutions that links (international flows) have grown from 545,372 in 2000 to 7,083,075 in 2015. This network is a free-scale network that has preserved its structure while it grows. This paper explores implications of the size, growth and structure of this network of international collaboration in science for emerging process of formation of an international system of innovation.

Palavras-chave: fluxos de conhecimento, co-autorias internacionais, ciência, sistemas de inovação,

Palavras-chave: knowledge flows, international co-authorships, science, innovation systems,

DOI: 10.5151/enei2017-24

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Como citar:

RIBEIRO, Leonardo Costa; RAPINI, Márcia Siqueira; SILVA, Leandro Alves; ALBUQUERQUE, Eduardo da Motta e; "Cross-border co-authorships in scientific articles and knowledge flows: Implications for investigating an emerging international system of innovation", p. 424-444 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2017.
ISSN 2357-7592, DOI 10.5151/enei2017-24

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