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Contemporary Design Attitudes for Pluriverse: Review & Introduction to Industry Practice

Contemporary Design Attitudes for Pluriverse: Review & Introduction to Industry Practice

Kuriakose, Nithin ;

Full paper:

Why do more complex problems arise the more we design? What are the design attitudes for societal transitions? How are they connected? How can we transcend such approaches to develop an attitude in professional practice? This study explores why we need better design interventions and also evaluates, differentiates, and simplifies the contemporary design attitudes that are shaped across the globe in the last decades which helps in solving complex or wicked problems for a better future. It also tries to find commonalities and differences between Ontological design, Speculative design, Pluriversal design, and Transition design as approaches and links its connectedness to Pluriversal thinking. In the final part, it talks about the learnings in developing these approaches in the industry.

Full paper:

Why do more complex problems arise the more we design? What are the design attitudes for societal transitions? How are they connected? How can we transcend such approaches to develop an attitude in professional practice? This study explores why we need better design interventions and also evaluates, differentiates, and simplifies the contemporary design attitudes that are shaped across the globe in the last decades which helps in solving complex or wicked problems for a better future. It also tries to find commonalities and differences between Ontological design, Speculative design, Pluriversal design, and Transition design as approaches and links its connectedness to Pluriversal thinking. In the final part, it talks about the learnings in developing these approaches in the industry.

Palavras-chave: Speculative Design, Ontological Design, Transition Design, Pluriversal Design,

Palavras-chave: Speculative Design, Ontological Design, Transition Design, Pluriversal Design,

DOI: 10.5151/ead2023-2SAO-01Full-07Nithin-Kuriakose

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Como citar:

Kuriakose, Nithin; "Contemporary Design Attitudes for Pluriverse: Review & Introduction to Industry Practice", p. 346-359 . In: 15th International Conference of the European Academy of Design. São Paulo: Blucher, 2023.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/ead2023-2SAO-01Full-07Nithin-Kuriakose

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