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Silva, Jander Almeida ; Ferreira, Yasmim Thasla Santos ; Soussa, Márcio Renê Brandão ; Silva, Moises Ferreira Eleutério ; Azevedo, Ruan Nilton dos Santos ; Moraes, Caíque Augusto Cardoso de ; Araújo, Maíra Matos ;

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The project aimed to develop a prototype of a multilateral platform called CONNIS, designed to connect companies facing challenges and issues for collaboration and problem-solving into a sustainable business. The platform is also integrated with SENAI CIMATEC, offering R&D services and consulting. The Theoprax methodology was employed in the project development, emphasizing the integration of theory and practice. The outcome was a functional MVP of the platform, featuring functionalities such as proposal registration, expression of interest, counterproposal, and negotiation. The platform aims to foster innovation, facilitate business negotiations, and attract connections to SENAI CIMATEC.

Full article:

The project aimed to develop a prototype of a multilateral platform called CONNIS, designed to connect companies facing challenges and issues for collaboration and problem-solving into a sustainable business. The platform is also integrated with SENAI CIMATEC, offering R&D services and consulting. The Theoprax methodology was employed in the project development, emphasizing the integration of theory and practice. The outcome was a functional MVP of the platform, featuring functionalities such as proposal registration, expression of interest, counterproposal, and negotiation. The platform aims to foster innovation, facilitate business negotiations, and attract connections to SENAI CIMATEC.

Palavras-chave: multilateral platform, CONNIS, SENAI CIMATEC, Theoprax, innovation,

Palavras-chave: multilateral platform, CONNIS, SENAI CIMATEC, Theoprax, innovation,

DOI: 10.5151/siintec2023-306298

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Como citar:

Silva, Jander Almeida ; Ferreira, Yasmim Thasla Santos ; Soussa, Márcio Renê Brandão; Silva, Moises Ferreira Eleutério ; Azevedo, Ruan Nilton dos Santos ; Moraes, Caíque Augusto Cardoso de ; Araújo, Maíra Matos ; "CONNIS: MULTILATERAL PLATFORM FOR INTEGRATION OF COMPANIES AND SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTIONS", p. 462-469 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2023.
ISSN 2357-7592, DOI 10.5151/siintec2023-306298

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