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Challenges of the Automotive Industry Regarding Pollutants Emissions Control

Soares, Sérgio Leal ; Nishi, Eduardo Hiroaki ;


Society and government have shown great interest in improving people's quality of life in many ways. Sustainability issues have become very common in many discussions and debates, in the pursuit of a commitment to produce the necessary goods and the preservation of the environment. This involves improvements in all aspects of production and economic activities. The idea is to positively influence the conservation of the environment in which we live, avoiding compromising the future of this and the next generations.
A very sensitive parameter to the balance of sustainability is the atmospheric air of places that have productive and economic activities, mainly large urban centers because they are places of great presence of polluting sources (industries, motor vehicles, etc). Many diseases, mainly respiratory and cardiovascular, are related to air quality.
According to Azuaga (2000), atmospheric pollution can be defined as the presence of harmful substances in the atmosphere in sufficient quantity to affect its composition or equilibrium, damaging the environment and the most varied life forms.
Motor vehicles, in particular, release a significant part of the emission of polluting gases into the atmosphere. The constant increase of the fleet of vehicles in big cities makes the environment even more loaded with toxic gases, with negative consequences for the health of the people.
The idea of this work is to present the main pollutant gases from motor vehicles and their consequences for human health, to know the measures imposed by the government to reduce and control the levels of these pollutants, to be aware of the technologies that contribute to minimize the generation of these gases and also the proposals to reduce these negative impacts.


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DOI: 10.5151/simea2018-PAP14

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Como citar:

Soares, Sérgio Leal; Nishi, Eduardo Hiroaki; "Challenges of the Automotive Industry Regarding Pollutants Emissions Control", p. 74-94 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2018.
ISSN 2357-7592, DOI 10.5151/simea2018-PAP14

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