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Biographical workshop: a place for the secrets of the heart

Bernardes, Rosvita Kolb ;


In this article, I present some reflections on the experience of creating a space for affection in school. In this space, through artistic activity, it became possible to work on losses and nurture secrets, dreams and desires. This place allowed the creation of a sensibility towards each member’s individual stories, as well as to a shared memory. The dynamics involved in this proposal expresses a dimension of art teaching that stands directly connected with life, as an action space between objectivity and subjectivity in the work with the students. In this connection, during the classes at the biographical workshop which made up the experience here analyzed, we would combine and compare the participants’ stories to the threads of their aesthetic experience, cross referencing African and indigenous cultures with the tradition of women embroiderers, who weave their life stories with yarn and cloth. In the composition of all these elements, we created a space, at school, to accommodate our individualities, the truly hidden treasures of each one of our subjectivities.


Palavras-chave: Art, Aesthetic Experience, Affective Memory, Education,

Palavras-chave: ,

DOI: 10.5151/edupro-aivcipe-67

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Como citar:

Bernardes, Rosvita Kolb; "Biographical workshop: a place for the secrets of the heart", p. 357-363 . In: Barbosa, Helena; Quental, Joana [Eds]. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Art, Illustration and Visual Culture in Infant and Primary Education. São Paulo: Blucher, 2015.
ISSN 2318-695X, ISBN: 978-989-98185-0-7
DOI 10.5151/edupro-aivcipe-67

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